Above: This month, you can volunteer to rid Southborough of litter. (Image cropped from photo posted to Flickr by M. Dolly)
As you were out enjoying the spring weather this week, you may have come across some of the litter that accumulates over the year. As usual, residents are being recruited to fix that.
The Rotary Club is sponsoring it’s 27th Annual Earth Day Clean Up on April 22ndd.
(Truthfully, it’s a tribute to Earth Day. Actual Earth Day is April 22nd. But how many people can ditch work to pick up litter?)

That Saturday, community members are encouraged to volunteer time cleaning our streets. The starting time is 8:00 am at Southborough DPW Building.
To motivate an early start, coffee, donut holes and T-shirts will be available. (First come first served.)
Volunteers are welcomed to celebrate their efforts at the Southborough Library at 11:30 am. Pizza, soda and ice cream will be served.
In between breakfast and lunch, you’ll be helping to clean up the streets in town. Remember to BYOG – Bring Your Own Work Gloves!! (Bug spray is also encouraged.)
Have a favorite spot that needs TLC? To adopt a favorite street in advance, call Southborough’s Department of Public Works at 508-485-1210.

Otherwise, you can sign up that morning at DPW’s location next to the Transfer Station.
The rain date for clean up is Sunday, April 23rd.
In preparation for the event, they are also seeking contributions. (You’ll also notice the call for help includes their “End Hunger” program the next day. I’ll be posting more on that soon.)
Updated (4/12/17 1:55 pm): Edited the info on location of lunch – at the library this year. And I added in the reason for that – lunch will be followed by a new tree planting in front of the Library.
Updated (4/12/17 3:55 pm): Turns out that the tree planting details are still up in the air – as it will be done by Public Works not volunteers. (That makes much more sense!) It will more likely include a celebration of the new trees than witnessing them being planted.
The Southborough Rotary Club would like to thank the following organizations for their generous support of our Earth Day Clean up and End Hunger projects.
Empowering Engineering Inc., 30 Turnpike Road
Fitts Insurance, 2 Willow St
Yama Fuji Restaurant, 162 Cordaville Rd.