Above: The SFD posted some highlights from their summer, including a car fire and gas leak. (images from Facebook)
Yesterday, I shared what our town Police have been up to this summer. Now, it’s time to check in with their roommates, the Southborough Fire Department.
Below are some highlights from their Facebook posts in June and July.
Emergency Responses
The following are just the incidents SFD shared on Facebook since my May update (minus the punctured gas line I reported on in June). Clearly, there is more going on behind the scenes. (As reports further down note, they responded to six fires and 91 other calls in June alone.)
Yesterday, Wednesday, 6/3 Group 1 was dispatched for a shop vacuum on fire behind a home on Parkerville Road. The homeowner informed the crew that he had been using it to clean up granulated chlorine and cat litter. The shop vacuum caught fire and the homeowner was unable to put out the fire with two extinguishers. Engine 23 dropped a feeder line and stretched an attack line to control the fire and dissipate the smoke that was produced by the chemical reaction in the vacuum.
Crews made quick work of a fully involved car fire on Marlboro Rd this morning. When crews arrived the fire was starting to impinge on a utility pole & wires but was stopped before causing any damage. No injuries. Cause under investigation.
At approximately 5:05 pm today, Group 4 responded to a residence on Orchard Road for a lightning strike. Lightning hit a tree and followed the irrigation system into the basement of the house. The homeowners are temporarily displaced due to electrical damage and wiring inspection concerns.
Crews responded to Westborough this 4th of July afternoon to assist with their residential structure fire. #NoDaysOff
At approximately 8 a.m. this morning, Group 2 was dispatched to intersection of Route 30 and Route 85 for a gas leak caused by construction.
Engine 23 and Ambulance 28 responded to find a large natural gas leak coming from the main line. Eversource was immediately notified. Detail police officers were asked to evacuate 3-4 houses back in all directions as a precaution. Eversource began a house to house check for gas reading inside of the dwellings of the immediate area with zero findings and mechanically shut down gas line to stop the leak.
Training Days
Of course, the SFD also spends a lot of time training to be on their game when emergencies pop up. Below are two examples they shared this summer.
Crews spent time this week reviewing & practicing lifting and cribbing with airbags. Maintaining perishable skills is vital to a safe & successful rescue outcome. Airbags are used for specialized rescue scenarios that do not occur often, but when needed we need to be proficient and ready to go.
If you’ve driven by the public safety building in the past couple weeks, you might have seen our crews participating in their annual motor pump operator training. This training includes operating hose lines at the correct pressure and flow while changing from tank water to the hydrant.
Services, Safety Reminders & Reports
In June the SFD resumed inspections:
As of June 1st, our fire prevention officer is once again conducting in person inspections using recommended COVID-19 precautions. These include smoke and carbon monoxide inspections needed to close real estate transactions, as well as oil burner permit inspections.
Safety Reminders
The department reminded the public about safety tips for preparing for Hurricane Season and for dealing with the heat this summer. Click images below:
Monthly Performance Reports
Below are the SFD’s Monthly Activity and Performance Measure Reports for May and June.
Just like the SPD, the SFD posted thank yous to the Southborough Rotary Club and Uhlmann’s Ice Cream for their separate donations this summer of ice cream for public safety personnel. The SFD noted that Uhlman’s swung by on National Ice Cream Day.