Selectmen to meet with Garfield/Burnett House owners about preservation as owners still pursue possible tear down

Selectmen will meet with owners of the historic estate at 84 Main Street to discuss preservation efforts. Meanwhile, the owners continue to pursue approval of plans to replace the stone house with 3 new homes. Read the full article → from Selectmen to meet with Garfield/Burnett House owners about preservation as owners still pursue possible tear down

Garfield House: Planning Board awaits advice from counsel; 14 year old rallying a protest

Last night, developer Robert Moss explained to the Planning Board and public his plans for demolishing the historic Garfield House. Early on he stated he has no interest in exploring alternatives to demolition of the historic home. The Town Planner and community members sought to change his mind. And today, a town teen is leading a protest in hopes of effecting a change. Read the full article → from Garfield House: Planning Board awaits advice from counsel; 14 year old rallying a protest

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