Southborough “shovel-ready” projects unlikely to get federal stimulus funds

shovel-smThe state released a list of “shovel-ready” projects yesterday — these are projects that could benefit from the $1 to $2 billion the state expects to receive in federal stimulus funds — and from what I can tell, no projects submitted by the town of Southborough made the cut.

According to the website, there are two lists of projects: a 187-page list of unreviewed projects and a 78-page list of reviewed ones. Southborough has three projects on the unreviewed list, but none on the reviewed list.

The three projects submitted by the town include a new aerial ladder truck for the fire department at $950,000, the installation of solar panels at the Transfer Station at $184,500, and an unspecified amount to build a new police station.

The Boston Globe reports the reviewed list will be culled even further, so my assumption is that projects on the unreviewed list are no longer under consideration, but I could be wrong about that.

While not a town project, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority has a project on the reviewed list to install solar panels at area facilities including one in Southborough.

Visit the governor’s website to see the list of reviewed projects and unreviewed projects. Both are PDFs.

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