New exhibit opening at the Arts Center

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A new exhibit called Collage: Process and Product opens this weekend at the Arts Center. An opening reception will be held on Friday night from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Here’s how the Arts Center describes the show:

This exhibit explores the rich and unique art medium of collage. Collage includes pasted papers, altered books, mixed media, assemblage and so much more. The title of this exhibit refers to two diverse ways of making art. One way to approach creating a new piece of art is to immerse oneself in the artistic process, whatever that may be: painting, pasting, assembling, cutting, drawing, etc. Works created this way emerge from the use of materials and the artist does not start with a preconceived notion of what the end product will be. The other approach when creating a new work is to start with a preconceived idea of what the piece will be or mean and work the processes to that end. Each of these are viable ways of working and the artists in this exhibit employ both techniques in creating their art. The result is a wonderful array of diverse and beautiful art that shows the unique talents of each artist.

Southborough artist Kathleen Hendrick is both showing in the exhibit and curating it. Other artists with work on display include Joan Loewenberg, Amy Rubin, Nyia Yanatos,Ted Todd, Amelia Todd, Donna Kaplan, Caroline Bowden, Betsy Beninger, Michele Kweder, Joan Halperin, Joan Rubin-Deutsch, Ania Gilmore, Leah Fine

The show runs through April 10. The gallery is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00 pm with a docent around to answer your questions. Or stop by on a weekday during normal business hours for a self-guided tour.

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