Southborough in the news

Your weekly sample of stories in the local media that have a Southborough connection.

Seniors chat with legislators
“They have really interesting things to say. It’s helpful to get reinforcement to know that what I’m working on and the Legislature is working on is important to people.” —Representative Carolyn Dykema (Southborough precincts 2 and 3) on meeting with Southborough seniors last week. Dykema, along with Senator Jamie Eldridge and Rep. Danielle Gregoire (Southborough precinct 1), talked with seniors over lunch at the Senior Center about the economy, pensions, public transportation improvements, and the gas tax plan. (Metrowest Daily News)

Southborough developer fined
“It is important that developers follow the information contained in local Orders of Conditions to prevent damage to wetland resource areas that may be adjacent to their property.’’ —Paul Anderson with the Massachusetts Department of Envionmental Protection. The DEP recently fined Southborough-based Brendon Properties Trust $8,000 for Wetland Protection Act violations during construction of a subdivision in Shrewsbury. (Wicked Local Southborough)

Just how broken is it?
“If you can’t fix it, why spend money to figure out how broken it is.” —Advisory Committee Chairman John Butler on why the committee opposes allocating $40K to investigate a tetrachloroethylene (PCE) leak discovered in 1995 by the DPW. The issue will be voted on at Town Meeting on Monday. (Metrowest Daily News)

(In all the meetings I attended in the past few months — and there have been a lot of them — I somehow missed any discussion of this PCE leak issue. I have no idea where the leak is, what the potential dangers are, or why, if the leak was discovered in 1995, we’re just getting around to talking about it now. If anyone has more info, please leave it in the comments. Otherwise, we’ll all just have to hold our curiosity until Town Meeting on Monday night.)

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