A town meeting preview and a new poll

If you’re going to town meeting tonight (or even if you’re not), here are a few more articles from the local press to help get you prepped:

Everyone I’ve talked to seems to think the big issues will be the Algonquin assessment issue (article 7) and school technology (article 12). The capital requests in article 9 could also be interesting. Town Meeting will likely see a motion to split the article so the PCE leak investigation and police cruiser/SUV requests can be voted on separately from the other capital requests. The selectmen and the Advisory Committee don’t agree on their recommendations for those two items.

Article 20 which requests more funds for the continuing renovation of the South Union School (Arts Center) is also likely to raise some debate.

And if you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to weigh in on the latest My Southborough poll which asks whether you plan on attending Town Meeting. Find the poll in the sidebar to the right and register your vote. (If you’re reading this via email or RSS, you’ll need to visit the site to vote.)

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