Developer outlines revised plan for Woodland Meadows 40B

As I mentioned earlier this week, the developer behind the Woodland Meadows 40B project is trying a new approach to get his project built. At Wednesday night’s Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, developer Robert Heavey provide some more detail on his revised plan.

According to the Metrowest Daily News, Heavey is now potentially looking to build 24 two-bedroom townhouses in clusters of two or three, as opposed to his originally proposed four-story building with 43 apartments. Says the newspaper:

Under the modified plan, Heavey said 18 townhouses would be reached off Woodland Road and have individual driveways with room for one car and single-car garages with the living space above. Six townhouses would be reached from Oak Hill Road, with two being built on the foundation of an existing farmhouse.

A gated entrance for use by emergency vehicles would be built off Rte. 9, near Walgreens.

The six townhouses off Oak Hill Road would be sold as affordable housing units, the 20 percent stipulated for 40B classification. Heavey said the other 18 units would likely be sold for less than $300,000 each. (read the full article)

Heavey is still working out the details of the plan before formally presenting it to the ZBA.

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