Don’t forget to vote today

It’s election day in Southborough with 13 seats in local government up for grabs. But with only one contested race and no ballot measures, you may wonder why you should even bother.

“It’s your civic responsibility to go to the polls and cast a vote any time there’s an election,” Selectman Bill Boland told me last week. Even so, he recognized a lot of people won’t go.

Selectman Sal Giorlandino said of those who choose not to vote, “If you don’t go, you lose the right to complain.”

Polls are open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. To find your polling place, visit

I, for one, will be there. Hope to see you.

Follow this link for more election information, including a compelete list of candidates.

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Kelly Roney
15 years ago

I was voter 19, including the poll workers, at about 10:30 this morning at Trottier. The burning question: Will turnout reach 5%?

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