The big news for Saturday? Trailers. And lots of them. I passed a caravan of them heading into town on Framingham Road this morning. Others entered via Route 85. Most found their way to the lower parking lot at Woodward.
The trailers at Woodward are the stars’ dressing rooms, and where hair and makeup will be done. Limos will shuttle the stars up to the church.
A big green privacy fence surrounds the trailers, but they’re still visible from the road. A member of the production company told me they may get a higher fence to keep out the prying eyes of the paparazzi.
The common in front of Pilgrim was the other big hub of activity today. Crews set up the camera that will be used to do shots of the front of the church. They also laid track along the platform I showed you earlier for the camera rigging to roll upon.
There were a few traffic issues today, but nothing like what we’ll probably see on Monday. Main Street in front of the common was closed at times as equipment was loaded onto a truck for overnight storage, and trailers pulling into Woodward had some cars backed up on Route 85.
You know I don’t normally post on the weekends, but with all the movie excitement, I’m making an exception. Look for more movie info tomorrow.
For now, enjoy your daily dose of photos.

More pictures in my Flickr photostream. For the latest coverage on the Adam Sandler movie, click here.
Previously in the series: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
so glad you are being the “looky-loo” so I don’t have to….
Lookey-loo, gawker, stalker … if the hat fits!