The Hollywood lights are but a distant memory, but one thing remains: the money.
Town Administrator Jean Kitchen said the movie company has paid in full for their time in town. The town took in a total of just over $30,000 for the shoot, including use of the Town House and Senior Center parking lots. The library got an additional $2,000 for use of its lot.
The Metrowest Daily News reported that Woodward got $18,000 for use of their parking lot and will likely use it to purchase a new defibrillator, curtains for its stage and electronic white boards.
Pilgrim Church got somewhere in the neighborhood of $25,000 (likely more since the shoot was extended by a day, but those numbers aren’t publicly available).
The town also got reimbursed $1000 for DPW overtime, and an unknown amount for police details.
And then there’s the gazebo. Columbia Pictures donated the structure to the town. Kitchen said it will be auctioned off to benefit the ladder truck fund. A piece of the gazebo was temporarily removed and will be signed by all the actors before it’s auctioned off.
Kitchen said overall Southborough’s movie experience was a positive one. “It was excellent for the town. It was well managed. They did everything we asked for. The only issue was traffic.”
The money the town received for the shoot is counted as “unanticipated revenue,” Tower said, and will go into the free cash fund.
For those of you wondering when you’ll be able to see Pilgrim and the town up on the big screen, looks like it won’t be for another full year. The movie was originally slated to open in March 2010, but it has reportedly been pushed to a more desireable summer slot in late June.
How much did it cost the Woodward School in electricity and water? I noticed electrical cords and I belive a hose connected to the school running across the school’s driveway to the lower lot.
Was the usage for the utilities part of the $18k?
Dear Linda,
To clarify, the movie company had the electric company come in and install their own electricity for the movie area in the parking lot. None of it was supplied by the school. As for the water, I’m not sure. The only things running across the driveway were water hoses, not electrical wires.
Enjoy the summer!