Open discussion thread: Ask questions, share opinions


There were a number of comments on the last open discussion thread, so let’s do it again, shall we?

The open discussion thread is your place to ask questions, sound off on town issues, or share information with other readers. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • Ask questions about programs in town or the town itself
  • Post a note about things that you’re selling or giving away, or things that you want
  • Share a notices about upcoming events (Southborough or otherwise)
  • Register your thoughts on town issues or news stories
  • Point out interesting or helpful resources

You can add comments to the thread throughout the week. Check back often to see new comments. (If you read the blog via email or RSS, you might want to check the site from time to time for new comments.)

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15 years ago

Does anyone know of a good salvage store where I could get some old wood-framed windows?

15 years ago

Has there ever been a proposal/discussion to change the Transfer Station hours so that they would be open on Sunday? I.e. move it from Wed – Sun? The reason for this is that whenever I entertain on Saturday night, there’s lots of trash/food, etc and it’s especially a problem in the warmer months for the food to rot (even in trash bags/cans) which attracts animals, etc. and of course, smells pretty bad as it waits four days until Wed.

Luckily, I’m able to bring it on Wed; I would imagine there are some folks (husband & wife) who work and can’t get there until Sat.

Yes, I know there are services that will pick it up, but I’ve eliminated that to save $. And, they didn’t pick up until Wed (or later) anyway, as they just take trash to the Transfer Station.

15 years ago

Nancy, there is a listing right now on craigslist for old windows and doors . Look in Antiques catagory, type in Ashby

15 years ago

Chris-I have wondered about this often as well. It is at least worth a discussion to bring to Selectman’s attention.

I too have surplus trash on a Saturday afternoon/evening and feel the vast majority of town residents would opt for a Sunday morning 8am to 12pm slot rather then a Wednesday morning slot.

I’d assume there would be overtime required for the swapping the Wed AM slot to Sunday, but it would benefit a larger group of people and also limit the “Saturday Swell” at the “Dump”

15 years ago

Even Monday/Wed/Fri/Sat would be better than what we have now. At least you could get rid of your weekend trash on Monday morning. I called the DPW about this when we first moved here, John Boland was the department head then. I didn’t get so much as the courtesy of a return phone call.

15 years ago

I would also love to see the transfer station open on Sunday. It’s nearly impossible to do a large project on a Saturday – like cleaning out the garage – and be able to make it to the transfer station before they close. Additional hours during the week would not solve this problem for me.

On a related note, I’m also interested about the recycling rules. Most cities and towns that offer recycling allow you to comingle, so why do we have to separate most of our recycling? Also, why are things like plastic tubs not allowed? Just curious . . .

15 years ago

What’s up, is there anybody else here?
If there’s anyone else here, let me know.
Oh, and yes I’m a real person LOL.

See ya,

15 years ago

I like the Idea of Mon/Wed/Fri & Saturday;
Monday’s will very helpful with the weekend’s trash!
Time should be Mon/Wed/Fri 9am to 7pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm

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