Snapshots of Southborough


If you haven’t been following the thread on the My Southborough About page, I must call it to your attention. It’s fascinating.

Several former residents who grew up in Southborough during the 1950’s — or whose parents did — have found one another via the blog. They’re putting in place the pieces of their connections and sharing their memories of the town and their childhood.

Take this entry from Judith Bailey Keneman:

My memeories of Southboro are like a Norman Rockwell image. The old marble soda fountain at McCann’s Drug Store, skating on the pond at St. Mark’s School and getting warmed by the roaming fire inside the little stone house, trick or treating all over town with my friends, learning to swim in the Fay pool and playing tennis on the Fay courts, fishing in the resevoir, playing in the Kidder Sunken Garden, buying penney candy and comic books at the “spa” or “news shop,” watching “Sputnik” in the night sky with my Dad, and best of all, marching in the annual Memorial Day Parade – getting a flag to carry each year from Miss Finn (of Mary C, Finn School) and getting “Hoodsies” at the Community House after.

What strikes me is the collective memory we have around this town. The fragments and snapshots of our individual pasts that come together to form something even greater.

And the fact that the web of memories extends far beyond our own border. Think of the thousands who have left town and carried with them pieces of Southborough as they set up lives in other places. Not all of those memories happy, surely, but nonetheless threads that connect this community present and past.

What are your snapshots of Southborough? What things do you remember from earlier years, and what are the things you think your kids will remember?

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