Order pizza on 10/15 and help support Algonquin’s literary magazine

The Sachem is Algonquin’s literary magazine. It features student writing, poetry, artwork, and photography. Last year, the magazine won a prestigious silver medal from the Columbia School of Journalism in NYC.

It’s a great tradition at Algonquin — 59 issues have been printed to date — but it’s not free, and The Sachem needs help from the community to cover printing costs.

Fortunately, they’ve made it easy for you to help. Simply order a pizza from Papa Gino’s in Westborough on October 15, and 20% of the profit will go to the magazine. You’ll need to print out and give them this flyer (.pdf). You can also help by becoming a patron (.pdf).

The Sachem was around in my day, and while I never wrote for it — I was a Harbinger girl myself — I had many friends who did. For those of you who haven’t ever seen a copy of The Sachem, here’s an example of the sort of work it features, this one by Northborough student Olivia Price.

Olivia Price

only within, hunted by a whisper,
gently it will say – You shouldn’t be here.
beyond and outside, the world bites bitter.

restless thoughts fly high upon exposed fear.
there is a voice, taking in lost silence,
gently it will say-You shouldn’t be here.

broken glass and fallen frail leaves here, dance
wandering alone in cold, empty halls,
there is a voice, taking in lost silence.

lost words begin to fold in from the walls.
out of light, pause and hear blackness creeping
wandering alone in cold, empty halls.

stop, stall, listen. Something here seeping,
somewhere near, waiting high upon a beam,
out of light, pause and hear blackness creeping.

You know you’re not alone. somewhere eyes gleam,
only within haunted by a whisper –
it’s all in your head, or so it may seem
beyond and outside, the world bites bitter.

If you want more, check out Still Life by Katelyn Morreale or Mr. ARHS by Jack Doyle, both Southborough residents, or Princess of Nowhere by Olivia Price.

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