Jane Moran appointed new police chief

The Board of Selectmen has unanimously appointed Interim Chief Jane Moran as Southborough’s new permanent chief of police. The decision tonight comes just over a year after Police Chief William Webber died of cancer.

Selectman Bill Boland initially recommended Framingham Lt. Paul Shastany for the position, but in the end threw his support behind Moran to make the vote unanimous.

More details on the blog tomorrow.

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15 years ago

I’m sure i’m not the only Southborough resident who is not surprised at the outcome of this selection process. The Selectmen should have taken the high road and opted to save the town the money they spent on a tainted process. Jane Moran was going to be the Chief from day one and anyone who doesn’t see that isn’t seeing the whole picture. Southborough had a chance to make a real choice here and to finally have a professionally run police department. What a shame. The one upside is that at least now the town won’t be sued.

15 years ago

Lt. Paul Shastany from Framingham was by far the best candidate. Even Jane Moran saw that Monday night. Selectmen Boland had the courage of his convictions. The “Chairman” folded and the other one was going to make sure that the chief was in her pocket because Southboro doesn’t have “those problems” or “those people”. Wake up, the townies are part of “those people” in the minds of some of these politicians. “Dissaponted” is right, this was a bag job from the beginning and maybe there won’t be a lawsuit but hold on for the ride because its going to be interesting.

15 years ago

Congratulations to Chief Jane Moran for demonstrating class, professionalism and capability during this long process and for deservedly being chosen as Police Chief. The process was thorough and fair, and those involved should be thanked for their efforts instead of sniped from the sidelines.

And disappointed, as for “finally” having a professionally run police department, it sounds from the testimonials and endorsements from many officers within the department, police chiefs of neighboring towns, and others, we have had a police department with a leader with professionalism, capability, and integrity at the helm over the past year with Chief Moran.

Congratulations again to Chief Moran.

15 years ago

Sorry, but I’m thrilled that the Selectmen voted to have Jane Moran appointed Chief. She’s always been more than professional, has worked hard for this town for many years, and deserves this promotion!

I only wish the town didn’t have to spend all the money it did looking at outside candidates only to pick the one in front of them all along! Sorry if you think the whole process was “tainted”, if it were, it wouldn’t have lasted so darn long.

Congratulations to Chief Moran.

15 years ago

Congrats to Chief Moran!! Now she can get on with doing her job with the knowledge that she has the support of the selectmen and many (I hope most) of the town residents.

townie - D
15 years ago

who are you “spineless political, willl” to call the townies “those people” and we have “those problems” How insulting for all of us who have history in OUR town! Jane was a good choice she has history here and knows the people New and old alike. By saying the townies are the only ones who make problems here is very sad like your opinion! Look around and not just down your nose!

15 years ago

Congrats to Chief Moran!! I agree w/Helen and let’s move on!

15 years ago

What will remain unanswered is whether the best candidates ever even got considered for the job. Don’t forget folks, the so called finalists were recommended by a search committee who had no law enforcement background. It was exactly what two of the three BOS wanted.

15 years ago

The Town of Southboro opted for the status quo instead of progress with this decision. It is telling that Selectman Phaneuf would actually come out and say that ‘we don’t have diversity here’ and that outside ideas are not welcome. Small town, small minds. Here is a reality check: Just like the equally lame M Knight Shaymalan movie ‘The Village’, the outside world is coming whether you want it to or not. Pretty naive perspective of the board. Kudos to Mr. Boland to have the integrity to support the best candidate, not the most comfortable candidate. A complete bag job.

15 years ago

Okay….let’s run through the Town checklist: Algonquin, check….Ladder Truck, check…..Triangle Park, check……Police Chief, check………seems we have gotten caught up with everything that was really tying up the town. Now, lets get on with things and move forward!

15 years ago


I don’t know where you were on Monday night, but I was at the town house listening to ALL the interviews and Lt. Shastany was in no measure the “best candidate” based on his performance that night. Here is a quote from his interview: “I am not a smart man . . . ” Who says that during a job interview??? Sorry, but based on that comment alone, I drew a line right through his name. Also, his answers to questions that sought to judge experience with union considerations and other higher-level administrative issues were, in my opinion, lacking. Last, the answer to a question about making, admitting and rectifying a professional mistake was convoluted and did not answer the question. His answer spoke to his finding error in others, not himself. He completely missed the point and the boat on that one. You could not fault him for heart and integrity which were clear in both his answers and demeaner.

I think they were all very good candidates, but you could not get past the overwhelming outpouring of support for Chief Moran based on her positive impact on our department, our town and the community.

Helen, I am glad that the town went through the process even though it cost the taxpayers some money. Regarding Chief Moran, I was not aware of how strongly a segment of the department was been behind her, how respected she is in our region and by other chiefs, how much she has accomplished in her career and in the past year, nor how involved and valued she has been in the community outside of her police work. I am glad that this process gave us all the opportunity to learn what we have. I supported her before, but now feel very lucky to have her in our town.

I agree with John and thank him for the suggestion – let’s move on.

Congratulations Chief Moran!

Lost Faith
15 years ago

Congratulations to Jane Moran, but then again I could have said that with a degree of certainty six months ago. The only thing missing last night was the popcorn and cotton candy. Ms. Phaneuf has been pre-disposed to appoint Jane Moran from the start so there was no surprise there. Mr. Boland proved himself to be the honest and open minded of the three and I only wish he had stayed the course. Paul Shastany would have been a great choice for Southborough. Mr. Giorlandino; always the second vote from day one, went overboard with the kudos for Jane looking only to absolve himself of any responsibility for any of the ‘misinformation’ that surrounded the process. The process was a joke and I am offended that Sal would think me an idiot for not believing his words. Mr. Giorlandino. Why didn’t you make it very clear to the audience last evening that Mr. Unsworth only had the opportunity to look at a pre-detirmined number of applicants and NOT all of them. The way I see things is that the Committee pruned the field of applicants to get rid of the real talent with ONE exception and that was Lt. Shastany. Anybody notice that two of the four finalists didn’t even bother to show up last night for the big event. My guess is they didn’t want to waste any more time, gas and energy.
At some point I hope someone from Southborough will ask for the minutes from the many executive sessions the search committee conducted and also request the reports issued by Badgequest be made public. Public funds paid for it ! Mr. Giorlandino suggests that we who know what went on are hiding behind nameless blogs and I assert that he is hiding behind executive minutes and a report from Badgequest that he will not release. I was there last night and I have no problem standing up and voicing my objections to something that is Inherently wrong. One voice can make a difference if for nothing more than to prevent this from happening again.

15 years ago

What a bunch of soreheads! All these people complaining, most of whom don’t appear to know what they’re talking about. Hey folks – just like the Presidential Election, it’s done! Get over it.
Congratulations to Chief Moran

Steve Whynot, Commander - VFW3276
15 years ago

Didn’t ya’ll see it coming??? Damed if you does – Damned if you doesn’t…

What a bunch of PITA liberals!!!! Imagine the outcry if they hadn’t gone thru the process.

IMO….Some people have nothing more to do but B**** about everything.

They made the correct decision. Go ahead – Analyze everything to death to ensure it is PC…. “Gee – Wouldn’t want to upset anyone”…

This woman has worked her butt off for this town. She has given to this community. She knows this town…..More important – She has the RESPECT of the Department. Jane Moran was the choice.

We’re not talking about the Police Commissioner of Boston or New York..

We’re talking about a small town that is holding onto small town values…

I believe it’s important to promote from within. Today – I’m sure there are officers on this department that know that if they dedicate themselves to their work and to this town – There is a career path in the future.

This town needs police officers that are familiar to the community – Know the problems and characteristics of the community. That know the good and bad of this town.

Her appointment is valid. Her appointment is justified.

Congratulations to the finalists and however – with all due respect ……

Chief Moran is the correct selection for this town.


And to those that need something else to complain about – I’m sure you’ll find something………

15 years ago

Lost Faith,

I was there last night and don’t remember anyone “standing up and voicing (their) objections to something that is Inherently wrong.” So, in my book, you definitely had a problem doing that. . . since you didn’t do that. Or do you consider posting your objections anonymously on this blog “standing up and voicing (your) objections to something that is Inherently wrong.” I’m sorry but it isn’t.

To Steve
15 years ago

Go back to the bar ! Don’t worry….you’ll still get a ride home in the FRONT seat.

15 years ago

As a taxpayer I feel that it is our right and the selectmens obligation to release the findings and recommendations of Badgequest! Their recommendations should be public record. Isn’t anyone else in the least bit inquizative as to why it won’t be made public??? My speculations are….it WILL reveal that Jane Moran is not the best candidate for the job. (not rocket science people) Lt.Shastany’s opening statement and Mr.Giorlandino’s basis for evaluating the best candidate mirrored each other. AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT HEARD THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those of us that think that this is just a waste of time and money. You all should speak up and DEMAND that the recommendations be published. You don’t buy a car without being informed. Why then would you settle for handpicked letters of reccomendation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPEAK OUT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago


I didn’thear anything quite that clear except a man being interviewed for the position of chief of police who told his interviewers he wasn’t a smart man. After that, I couldn’t hear much more. Again, if you were there on Tuesday and Monday, why didn’t you “speak up and DEMAND that the recommendations be published.” Lots of talk on this blog, very little talk or action in the place where it could do some good.

15 years ago

“To Steve” that’s right, when you disagree with someone, insult them instead of maturely arguing your postition. Always a nice touch!

15 years ago

Anonymous, The fact that you hide behind your anonmimity shows your closed mindedness to hear clearly. The town of Southboro has lost in this case. I DO know that whatever/where ever Lt.Shastany may choose for his future endeavors he WILL be an asset to that community!!!

15 years ago

I think we’ve beat this dead horse enough. Time to put it to rest and prepare for the holidays.

15 years ago

I stay anonymous on blogs because of potential wack jobs who may be reading. As I have said before, Southborough may be a small town but the Internet is a huge place. Rest assured, I am not anonymous where it matters and voice my opinion often where it can be heard and do some good.

Jane Moran already IS an asset to our community and, thankfully, will continue to be so for many more years. The fact that you and others like you cannot or do not want to see that, speaks volumes.

Yes, John you are right and I apologize. I am done now.

To Deborah
15 years ago


You raise interesting issues, but it is clear the BOS will NEVER, EVER release the Badgequest results. One has to assume that those results do NOT put Moran on top, because if they did, the BOS would be willing to release the report. It is a simple as that. By hiding the report, it is saying that they went against the recommendation of Badgequest. Adding salt to the wound, the BOS relied on a search committee with a chair that has been ridiculed and a committee that had no one with law enforcement experience. A black and bloody eye for the town grows each day the BOS hide behind this farce.

15 years ago

And on that note, I sure hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

15 years ago

Worked with Jane many years ago, nice lady, not Chief material. Anytime you have a bunch of cops supporting one of their own to be Chief bells should go off. Its happened a few times in Southborough, Chief Baker-mistake, Chief Colleary-mistake and now Jane. Wish her the best of luck but in the end my gut says that the town will regret this decision.

Steve Whynot, Commander - VFW3276
15 years ago

Hmm……. Won’t go there……. Don’t have time to waste replying to come of this comments..

At least I have the #@$!%% to let people who visit this page to know who am and not hide nicknames…..

As others have noted – Put it to rest. Jane Moran is our Chief of Police….

Just like 4th and 2. It’s over…….Move on….

Congrats to Chief Moran………

Over and out

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