Soon-to-be Southborough firefighter ready for demands of the job

Southborough fire recruit Scott Navaroli was featured in a recent piece by the Metrowest Daily News on firefighter fitness:

Saddled with 50 pounds of tools and protective gear, Southborough fire recruit Scott Navaroli clambered up the icy stairs of the burning building with his crew, then began crawling though the dense smoke choking the top floor.

Heart likely racing, he sucked clean air from a tank-fed face mask and approached the glowing red haze in the middle of the room. Intense heat seared the fabric-covered necks of those present. But the danger soon subsided with the “tat-tat-tat” of pumped water hitting the flames and extinguishing the dancing menace known in the trade as the “red devil.”

“I feel great,” the 39-year-old said upon removing his helmet, hood and mask following the live drill this past week. “I want to keep going.”

You can read the whole article here. And see Navaroli in action in this video of a recent training session at the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy in Stow.

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