(Photo by noahg)
If you own a dog in Southborough and it’s more than six months old, you need to get a license for it each year. Licenses expire at the of the month, so now’s the time to get a new one.
A license costs $12 for dogs that are not spayed or neutered, and $8 for dogs that are. If your dog is new to Southborough, you’ll need to provide a copy of the vet certificate showing that your dog has been spayed or neutered. Payment is by cash or check only.
To get a license, stop by the Town Clerk’s office at the Town House. You can also apply by mail. Either way you’ll need to provide a record of your dog’s most-recent rabies vaccination.
After June 1, a $10 late fee — plus penalties — will be charged for each not not licensed.
For more information, visit the Town Clerk’s website.