Crabapple trees at the Beals Preserve
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I was wondering when the next phase of construction will take place on the Triangle in Cordaville? It’s a bit unsightly now with a pile of material and a pile of debris left on the site since last fall. It would be nice to see it finished.
john….it’s not as unsightly as MY favorite pet peeve in town (think corner of newton and main)!!
And how! The lot at the corner of Newton and Main is a blight. Not only is it painfully unattractive, but it is dangerous. The chain link fence is falling in, the lot is full of trash and weeds that grow so high they block the view of the crosswalk to drivers, and the pavement in front is so broken up that a stroller or kid on a bike cannot pass on it. If the owner of the lot persists as it has for over 12 years in refusing to care for the property, what rights do citizens have and/or the town have to rectify the situation? Anyone know?
John ditto on Cordaville Triangle. Looks like the lawnmower is broken and the Roundup got away. This has really gone down hill in only a year.
Hi John,
We are working on it. The final round of CPA funding was approved at town meeting but will not be available until July 1. We were hoping that we could have the contractor back this spring to work on Phase II, but the town does not have a mechanism for us to change their contract to include the new work before the funding becomes available. The remaining hardscape will be done in July, but we have to pass on the spring planting season and wait until the fall to put more plants in. Meanwhile the contractor is going to come back to neaten things up and the DPW is going to mow, mulch and remove the trees we lost through transplanting last year. Also, Capital Group has offered to limb up the existing trees for us and that will happen either this or next week. Thank you Bill DePietri!
The construction materials will remain until July since the contractor will be using them to finish the paths. We are trying to get approval to remove the erosion control, which will improve the appearance greatly, but it depends on how stable the soil has become since hydraseeding. We are also diligently seeking additional donations which was a commitment we made as part of the CPA funding we have received. We were hoping to be able to purchase some potting soil and annuals for the planters, but we have been told that we cannot spend any funding on that type of material until the rest of the work is completed. We are looking at a donation route this week to try to get something to plant.
Unfortunately, a municipal project like this moves much slower than a private project of similar size. Some of us on the committee have been working on this for nine or ten years (I’ve lost count). An enormous amount of the coordination work and the labor of planting and watering has been done by the five members of the committee over the past two years. They are Kim Costello, Jon Feinstein, Suzie Witzell, Linda Shaffer and myself. Thanks guys! It would be great if we could inspire some additional volunteers for this fall when we will be planting the remaining perennials and shrubs ourselves. Anyone who is interested in helping can contact me directly. I am listed in the Southborough directory.
I hope I have been able to answer your questions.
Yep! Thanks for the response!
Helping out would make a great community service project for Scouts etc.!
Thank you and the committee for all of your hard work, it really does show – remember what it looked like.
This question may belong to a different active thread but here goes:
Did the MWDN finally receive copies of all of the legal bills they requested last month?
Did we ever learn the full cost to the town for that multi-month “personnel issue” with the Department heads?
I recall that the costs for one month ( February?) were reported but that other bills were still being “redacted(?)”… if that’s the proper term…
Southsider – As far as I know, the MWDN has not received copies of all the bills. They’re still challenging the copying/processing fee the town wants to charge them. I know others in town have asked for copies, as well. Not sure if they’ve received them.
I was wondering if you were in a fire truck leaving station two heading to headquaters, how many butts could you smoke on the ride?