Southborough wildlife: Name that animal

Time for some wildlife fun. A My Southborough reader sent in this audio clip of strange noises emanating from her backyard late last week. She thinks she’s identified the animal that made the commotion. Can you?

Click the link below and have a listen, then post your guesses in the comments. I’ll reveal the answer on the blog tomorrow.


Update: You’ll find the answer here.

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Sue Grinblatas
14 years ago

a squirrel?

Pat Quill
14 years ago
Reply to  Sue Grinblatas

you need to get outside more, Sue G…………….

(couldn’t resist)

Sue Grinblatas
14 years ago
Reply to  Pat Quill

What I meant to say that was that it was the sound of a squirrel eating a tree frog.

14 years ago

There ain’t no such beastie! (“Hearing is believing”)

Deborah Costine
14 years ago

YES! and I LOVE it – It’s one of my favorite early summer sounds! “Hyla Versicolor” the Gray Tree Frog. In fact, I use that very frog in my puppet show: “The Twig Family in the Oak Tree” – except that I don’t try to mimic the call. I helped one cross the road the other night. They are quite small, but not as small as the Spring Peeper.

14 years ago

Yes, that’s a tree frog.

Dean Dairy
14 years ago

I heard what sounded like a fisher cat on the south side late at night around a month ago.

From the video: “This is the blood curdling screeching we heard last night in the woods outside our house. This video doesn’t do it just justice, it sounds much worse in real life. After doing research, we think it is a fisher cat, a ferocious weasel like predator that can attack small pets. Needless to say, I am very worried about our small dogs being outside now! “

Dean Dairy
14 years ago

Just to be clear, I included that YouTube link as an example; it was not taped by me nor in Southborough (as far as I know).

But I did hear the same exact sound over the course of several nights at least a month ago. Did anybody else hear it?

Helen L
14 years ago

sounds like the frog I’ve rescued 3 times out of my AG pool last month! Finally took the hint and moved on before I bombed it (the pool, not the frog) with chlorine…

Carol Willoughby
14 years ago

To Dean Dairy –
That is the cry of the Red or Grey Fox. It is not a blood curdling scream. The Fox uses that cry to call out to their mate or pups. They even have a “bark” that they use intermittently.

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