Southborough honors its veterans

There are more than 800 veterans lying in rest at the Rural Cemetery in Southborough, and last Friday evening each one of them was honored with a new American flag on their gravestone.

The flags were distributed throughout the cemetery by boy scouts, girl scouts, veterans, and other community members. VFW Commander Steve Whynot said in his 20 years coordinating veterans’ observances, Friday night’s turnout was one of the best.

“Tonight was just far and away beyond my expectations,” Whynot wrote in an email. “It shows that Yes… Patriotism and pride is very much alive and is firmly planted in the foundation of small towns like Southorough. It’s what makes this a great country.”

Southborough’s state representatives Carolyn Dykema and Danielle Gregoire also attended the event, as did selectwoman Bonnie Phaneuf.

Below are some photos from the flag placing. Click any thumbnail in the gallery to enlarge and view as a slideshow.

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14 years ago

Really great photos. Puts a tear in your eye!

carrie alpert
14 years ago

amazing photos! are you thinking of displaying them anyplace? what comes to mind is at the top of the stairs—the landing of the main floor at the library.

14 years ago

Susan, is it possible to get a copy of two of those pictures? You have a fantastic one of my son (in the Cub Scout uniform) and my daughter (in the light green). They both had a great time helping with the flags and can’t wait to do it again.

You really do have a great eye!


14 years ago
Reply to  susan

Thank you Susan!! :)

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