Save the date: Library Fourth of July parade

Above: Children’s librarian Kim Ivers leads last year’s parade (contributed photo)

The annual Southborough Library Fourth of July Parade will be held this year on Thursday, July 1, at 11:00 am. All children are invited to march from the library to the Town House. Refreshments will be provided after the parade.

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dean dairy
14 years ago

My goodness, that picture conjures a memory of when I was that young, one that I haven’t thought of in decades.

We lived on a side street with very little traffic. One day I saw my late father looking intently out a front window while leaning on the sill. Full of questions I suspect, like most kids, I asked him why he was looking out the window. Bemused, he said “I heard there was going to be a parade today.”

I won’t tell you how long I sat at the front window all excited waiting for a parade to come by before I realized he was pulling my leg.

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