Gulbankians to appeal cease and desist order tonight

Back in June Building Inspector Dave Gusmini issued a cease and desist order against two business operated by the Gulbankian family on their Mt. Vickery Road property. Tonight the family will go before the Zoning Board of Appeals to appeal the order.

The Gulbankian family businesses — a garden center, machine shop, and school bus terminal — have been under review by the town for several months now. At issue is how many businesses they can legally operate on their property.

The cease and desist order was issued against the machine shop and the garden center. The Gulbankians closed the machine shop in response to the order, but continue to operate the garden center because they argue it’s exempt as an agricultural business.

“They are not operating the machine shop,” an attorney for the family told the Zoning Board of Appeals last month. “They’re appealing this because they want to get back to their livelihood and operate the machine shop. They basically can’t work until you make a decision.”

The ZBA was scheduled to make a decision on the cease and desist order at their meeting on July 28, but a procedural snafu delayed the hearing until tonight.

The meeting starts at 7:00 pm at Cordaville Hall (Senior Center).

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