Above: School buses parked on the Gulbankian family’s lot
The Gulbankian family was scheduled to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals last night for the latest round in what has become a nearly year-long quest to continuing operating three long-standing businesses on their Mt. Vickery Road property. But in a letter to the ZBA, the family asked for more time to prepare their site plan.
At issue is whether the family can continue to operate three businesses on their property — a garden and florist center, a machine shop, and a parking terminal for Assabet school buses. Town bylaw limits owners to one business per parcel, but the Gulbankians say they received variances for their businesses in the 1980’s that still apply today.
At a meeting in September, the ZBA asked the Gulbankian family to undergo a minor site plan review, which would require them to draw up a more detailed site plan than they previously had, and to work with town department heads to iron out any issues. In the plan the Gulbankians will attempt to appease neighbors who are concerned about noise, pollution, and lighting on the property.
In their letter to the ZBA, the Gulbankian family said they needed more time for their engineer to develop the plan, and they requested a continuance until December 1.
“I believe they are still on track to get a more detailed site plan and go through the minor site plan process,” ZBA chairman Sam Stivers said last night. “It sounds like the applicant is making some progress.”
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