Get your Girl Scout cookies this weekend

Southborough Girl Scouts will be at the Recycling Center at the Transfer Station on Saturday, so bring a few extra dollars to stock up on your cookie supplies. If you won’t be at the Transfer Station this weekend, here are some other upcoming opportunities to get cookies:

Saturday, January 15
Recycling Center (Transfer Station)

Saturday, January 22
Dunkin Donuts, Town Center Plaza
Finn School (during basketball game)
Pilgrim Church (during Pinewood Derby event)

Saturday, Januery 29
Dunkin Donuts, Town Center Plaza

Saturday, March 5
Recycling Center (Transfer Station)

(Photo posted to Flickr by Marit & Toomas Hinnosaar)

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Pat Q
14 years ago

Just want to let people know………the scheduled cookie sale at the Recycling
center this Saturday will not take place. Due to the snowstorm and long process of
digging out, cookies were not able to be picked up on time. Hope to see people
at the other scheduled cookie sales!

Thanks for supporting your local Girl Scouts!

14 years ago

I have not purchased Girl Scout cookies since the Girl Scouts decided to remove God from their pledge in 1989. It happened at about the same time as the national leadership of the Girl Scouts became left wing in their politics, opinions and the leadership itself. It is very very sad indeed but we took that money and purchased more Christmas wreathes and such form the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts who did not bow to the attacks by liberals, they did not remove God from their pledge, and they did not bow to the attacks by leftists liberals and homosexuals years ago. And, they are flourishing still as the Girl Scout membership is declining year after year.

Pat Q.
14 years ago
Reply to  WillNotBuy

Plain and simple, WillNotBuy… should be ashamed of yourself.

Good to Know
14 years ago

I will buy triple my normal amount to counteract any right-wing attack on the Girl Scouts of America. I hope others in town will do the same. The religiously self-righteous and homophobic should be easily outnumbered.

We could make this a banner year for our local Girl Scouts. Just one word of advice – give them as gifts or throw a bunch into the freezer. We don’t want to become the most obese town in MA!! LOL!

14 years ago

Well, I’m not really sure what the purpose of your post was, WillNotBuy, but I hope you feel better after getting this off your chest. As to our family, while we feel the cost of the cookies is a little high, we support the Girl Scouts of America. Having led a troop for a number of years, and watched girls form strong friendships, grow in confidence and give back to their community, I don’t have too many bad things to say about the organization.

Oh, and my sons would be quite upset if I didn’t stock up on Thin Mints each year. We shopped at Stop & Shop yesterday, where a troop from Ashland was selling. Good luck to Southborough troops – stay warm!!

Pat Q.
14 years ago

Thank you for your support everyone!

carrie alpert
14 years ago

have to take a breath before i post. maybe two. and then i say my mantra which is “do no harm”
To willnotbuy I can say only this: what if God is a homosexual? and also, do you really think that God cares so little for the Girl Scouts?

My home is a place of comfort and peace and all girl scout cookies are welcome, god or not–my daughter decided not to do girl scouts this year but i loved hearing her say as we walked into a Stop and Shop, “mom, we need to buy the cookies to support what they are doing” We purchased them and brought them to my Nana’s nursing home where believe me they were relished! No one loves a girl scout cookie more than those in the nursing home and the stories they have to tell about them are so fun to listen to :)

i refused to end this post on an ugly note.

14 years ago

Oh My Goodness!!
“WillNotBuy”! Are you truly representing the Christian spirit? Of course not.
I hope that somehow, sometime, you are able to open your heart and mind to a more loving way. Also, I can assure you that someone who is near and dear to you is gay without your knowing it and is hurt by your words.
Love, and best wishes to you.

14 years ago

I really did not mean to hurt anyone or offend anyone. And if I did please accept my apologies. Thank you and by way of clarification, we too support the girls in the girls scouts but not the national organization. So we choose not to send money to the national management of the Girl Scouts. And, it is admirable you choose not to stoop to name calling and the likes. It shows a shallow and not scientific and reasonable argument or hypothesis. Shows signs of maturity in the discussion as well – thank you. It is strictly my opinion that the Girl Scouts of America should not have removed God from their pledge. It is my opinion that homosexual men should not be allowed to lead boys due simply to their choice of males as partners. I use the clergy of the catholic church and the alter boys as a vivid and public example of homosexual abuse in a male setting. Makes sense to most people. And you can go off on a tangent with buying more of this and more of that but those policies by the left are very dated and have failed – ie. boycots. Boycotts by your oponenets however, do the recipricol to the leftest liberal agenda and it is showing natioinally everywhere that Americans think for themselves and they/we want traditional values – oh my that will set us off – those terrible words, traditional values. Not left of center policies forced upon us by militant leftists. Thank you and we too will coninue to support the girls in our community individually and as a group but not the national organization of the Girl Scouts. So we will continue to not send money to the national management of the Girl Scouts by way of Girl Scout cookies. I will miss those very good macaroons.

Good to Know
14 years ago
Reply to  willnotbuy

Opinions like this from people in my own community sadden my heart and are enough to take my breath away. I too feel very sorry for anyone close to this person who is gay and terribly hurt by these views. What is worse, children raised in this environemnt of intolerance and ignorance will be out in the world some day with all of us.

It gives me chills!

14 years ago

WillNotBuy – I’m afraid I couldn’t quite comprehend a lot of your second post, but I felt that I had to respond to one of your comments. It doesn’t appear that you realize that there is a difference between a person who is homosexual and a person who is a pedophile. Abuse such as that in the Catholic Church was/is carried out by pedophiles. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however I completely, and respectfully, disagree with you. I would also suggest that you do a little more research on this topic so that you’re more fully informed and can make a more cohesive argument.

As to the removal of the word “God” from the pledge, it’s a complete non-issue for me. In my opinion, actions count more than words.

I Agree
14 years ago
Reply to  Kate

I totally agree with your post, kate. “willnotbuy” needs a little education.

Pat Q
14 years ago

Actions absolutely count for more than words! Agree with your post, Kate.

These hundreds of Girls Scouts (from our town alone!) have reached out to do
community service and acts of kindness that are admirable. Planting potted flowers to give to the senior center, sending care packages to our troops, raising enough money to provide the most needy of children in our county with a SUV jam packed with personal care items…..and that is just one troop! Troops have done coat drives and jean drives, sewing projects that provide a single dress for a child from another country to be able to attend school in, food drives for local pantries, knitting squares to make blankets for the homeless, etc.

Whether it is under the name of God or not….they are all beautiful acts of compassion and kindness that teach our children to take care of those in need and to teach those in need, that there are complete strangers who care.

The Girl Scouts (nationally or locally) do not have any kind of agenda except to
empower girls so they have the confidence and ability to reach out and do great things for those in their community which in turn means, they do great things for themselves.

carrie alpert
14 years ago

i would write my own post but it would say everything you just said Pat!

compassion is not under the umbrella of a particular God or have a distinct sexual preference for that matter–and how willnotbuy you got your wires crossed in all the churchy stuff is for you to figure out on your own journey, good luck with that.

When young children carry out acts of good will, whether by following example at a very young age and then later on of their own volition it sets forth a blueprint for them to live by for the rest of their lives. At this point with my kids being almost 9 and 12 I would be disheartened if they were not cognizant of the needs of others.

A Life Long Girl Scout
14 years ago

The Girl Scout Promise:

On my Honor, I will try
To serve GOD and my country,
To Help people at all times,
And to live by the GIrl Scout Law

14 years ago

I whole heartedly support WillNotBuy. A former GS myself and my Mom a Scout Leader. We sold cookies. I remember our living room being full of cookies and our home was a pick up place. I had the pins and badges, we marched in parades, went on trips, sold cookies, did day camps and week long camps, I still remember the pledges, but would not buy a single cookie even to give it away as a gift or put in my freezer. What a crying shame that the GSA have taken God out of the pledge….. doesn’t sound like a pledge to me. Too much “left wing” standards, and I would not recommend that anyone support any organization that excludes God, or His Holy standards.

14 years ago

This might be the most inane discussion have ever seen on this blog. The girl scout and boy scout organizations do a lot of good for the community and in helping the development of girls/boys. While both the girl and boy scout oaths prominently speak of their duty to God, that is not the sole credo by which they run their lives. Your argument not to support the girl scouts because they removed God from their pledge is completely specious and frankly just an attempt to boil this down into a liberal vs. conservative agenda which it is not. You obviously believe in the power of God, but don’t pretend that you are a better person in God’s eyes because you don’t support the girl scouts. Like it or not, this country is diverse and will continue to become more diverse and everyone should be welcome in the boy scouts and girl scouts regardless of religious views or sexual orientation (that, however, is a discussion for another time).

Pat Q
14 years ago
Reply to  Drew

GREAT post “Drew”………..thank you! It IS an inane discussion but I just
couldn’t not make my points. It was just driving me crazy that people were dragging God (and their interpretation of “his” standards) into their decision to buy or not buy girl scout cookies.

Pat Q
14 years ago

Too bad you are really only effecting the girls and their ability to do things. Our local Council of Eastern Mass, as you can see from above, still has has the word God in their pledge (thank you “Life Long Girl Scout”).

And I’m not quite sure God’s “Holy Standards” actually include the bitterness which goes along with not buy cookies in order to snub an organization that does so much for young girls in addition to the communities those girls are in.

For arguements sake, let’s just say that some “left wing” administrator within GSA WAS responsible for removing the word God from the pledge……you are going to let THAT get in the way of helping an organization to teach children the awesome power of helping others? Just something to think about……………..

(not to mention, you are willing to live without the awesomeness of a Thin Mint!)

14 years ago

Pat Q.and others: You sound bitter. Even to the point of having to point out the “his” in how I describe God and His attributes. In the hebrew the “is”, or pronounced “eesh” is inclusive – plural, for feminine and masculine. God is Spirit, not anthopomorphically male or female in human terms. So please don’t be offended by such simplicities. And again, it is not the ommission of God, which you seem to miss, it is the general left agenda in its attempt to remove God from public life that irks me. And to be truthful the Judeo Christian God. I mean how can you argue that. The ACLU, Creche removals, 10 Commandments, God in anything you all want removed. And here it seems you are even taking a position on my use of the masculine description of God. Interesting. Let’s end it as you and others have a position and I and others have a position but God should not be removed from anything as 99% of people agree there is a God of some sort and most of them do want God in a generic sense recognized.

Pat Q
14 years ago

It wasn’t meant to be bitter. And, I really don’t want to turn this into a discussion about religion. I have great respect for what ever path of spirituality that a person chooses and would never, ever be disrespectful regarding a persons religion. My issue was with the disregard of an an entire organization based on taking out the word “God” in a pledge, rather than looking at the wonderful things they do for so many.

I wrote “his” because I didn’t want people to assume that
I thought God was a man (or not a man). I just didn’t want to offend
anyone by saying God was a he. That’s all. I leave it up to the believer.

My final thoughts on this………

“Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge,
aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”
(Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Stockholm, Sweden, December 11, 1964.)

14 years ago

All I can say is an attempt to push values on others, our anyone’s personal agenda on a topic of an annual well-known fundraiser for young girls that helps the community, is well, just WOW, unfathomable….

I appreciate all the views here, but please just let the girls be and sell their cookies!

To buy or not buy, that can be your personal decision, but please don’t try to take over a simple posting of cookie sale dates to push your views in the name of education or religion. Otherwise you are no different than the “liberals” you speak of so strongly. An extremist is an extremist no matter what side of the aisle they sit on.

If you are indeed as one with the Spirit as you speak of, then I urge you to please TEACH LOVE, patience, and compassion, and put try to aside self-righteousness, hatred, anger, and divisiveness. Keep in mind we are these girls examples.

To quote from the Christian faith:
Proverbs 10:12- Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.

14 years ago

Interesting that all the libs came out over my simple opinion – I assume I still have that right, correct, to opine? There was no hate, but encouragement of the girls in our town and in general. My personal position is not to spend money on a national organization that has become – infiltrated and taken over by folks that are leftist and liberals. I did not tell anyone else not to do anything of their choosing. And it is the majority of the posts that slammed my personal opinion – Stalanistic/communist in approach indeed. And before you use another faiths verse for personal gain, you should really research it properly. You look slightly foolish. I would never attempt to use a let’s say muslim islamist verse to justify my opinion. This verse in Proverbs was written for a ancient Jewish community of beleivers, who were bickering and there were some sins (per Deuteronimic Law) that needed to be covered over and kept silent for it was none of the others persons business who were gossiping. Your attempt to seem knowledgeable did just the because you used references incorrectly. But alas, so has the liberal attempt to hijack our society in America. I suppose that is where so much hate comes from. Intolerance by the left of the other sides views draws so much hate becasue there are rights and wrongs and wrongs have consequences on us all and you hate to be told you are wrong.

14 years ago
Reply to  willnotbuy

you GO, “willnotbuy”!

14 years ago

MY personal position is that most of you are quite mistaken!
Thin Mints are not the best GS cookie… it is those caramel coconut Samoas, closely followed by Tagalongs (Peanut Butter Patties)!!
Thin Mint lovers out there – be open to change and new ideas!

; )

Pat Q
14 years ago
Reply to  Patti

Great post, Patti BUT……………..

I have REAL proof of what are the best GS cookies! Our local
Girl Scouts of Southborough sold (in less than 1 1/2 months, mind you)
3,408 boxes of Thin Mints and 2,328 boxes of Caramel Delights!
(Peanut Butter Patties came in 4th with 1,620 boxes sold)

Good work Girl Scouts! And Thank you Southborough residents. You are

Have a cup of hot cocoa and a Thin Mint while you watch the next storm
hit this week!

; )

carrie alpert
14 years ago

i am grappling how Stalin was brought into a conversation about Girl Scout cookies, i do think he would have been a thin mint man….love your quote from MLK Pat, amazing how he was such a visionary and that a quote from 1964 rings just as true today as it did then.
and willnotbuy: i am not sure where this blanket statement comes from that all liberals hate to be told they are wrong, like we run in a pack and have a toddler mind set. Personally i just prefer that there be some alternative IDEAS if I have a plan to make a change to something I and/or others consider in need of tweaking. I consider myself to be a very bright individual so if you tell me flat out that i am wrong, well, back it up because i will come down on you like a ton of bricks because i do investigate and fact check and just because i am of the liberal mindset does not mean i am hijacking anything, i just have a ton of confidence.

Kelly Roney
14 years ago

The real liberal conspiracy about Girl Scout cookies is to make all of us fat, so that we have to join Michelle Obama’s fitness stormtroopers and go walking. Then pedestrian fatalities can go up a tiny, insignificant amount, far less than the limit of normal statistical variation, and the right wing can have a total freakout. And, and, and… I’m a liberal, so I ought to know.

Of course, of course, that’s total nonsense – except for my being a liberal and the right freaking out. Those are both true.

Oh, and I like the shortbread cookies myself.

14 years ago

I’m partial to the Lemonades. Try them with a cup of Irish/English/Scottish breakfast tea with milk and sugar, if you need it.

Jim Tobin
14 years ago

Can someone tell us what time the cookies will be sold tomorrow at the Dunkin Donuts on the 29th and at the Transfer Station on the 5th?

Pat Q
14 years ago

Let me check with the troops selling on those days and I’ll post it asap.
Thanks for asking!

Pat Q
14 years ago

Tomorrow, look for a Girl Scout Cookie Sale at:

Rt. 9, Whites Crossing
1/29/2011 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Re: cookie sale at Dunkin Donuts….sorry, I mistakenly posted a cookie sale for that date when there is none. Sorry!

The Cookie sale for March 5th at the Recycling center may be changed due to a conflict…..the Boy Scouts would like to sell tickets for their Annual Pancake Breakfast! I will keep you posted on that Cookie sale and let you know if it will remain on that date or be changed.

Thanks so much for supporting Girl Scouts!

Pat Q
14 years ago

To find additonal Girl Scout Cookie Booth sales in Southborough AND surrounding towns go to:

On the left-hand side of the page, under “Girl Scout Cookies”
click on “Find a Cookie Booth Sale”. Type in our zip code and cookie sales all over our area will pop up for you!

Steve Pflug
14 years ago

All I know is that the Southborough Food Pantry welcomes all the boxes of Girl Scout Cookies it can get. Cookies are always in demand and we really appreciate what we do get. There can’t be too many. Bring them in.
We are open Tuesday nights 7-8 and Friday mornings 10-11. The collection box in the side entrance is available during normal business hours at Pilgrim Church, and of course Sunday morning. Thanks

Pat Q
14 years ago

There will be a Girl Scout Cookie sale set up at the Transfer Stations’ recycling center on March 5th from 10am – 2pm.

13 years ago

I haven’t purchased any cookies since they chose to remove God from the pledge and leave a blank line, allowing the insertion of anything chosen in difference to God. You can call that what you want, a lack of christian spirit or whatever. God hasn’t proclaimed that I support the Girl Scouts, especially since they have chosen NOT to support HIM. Besides, they are overpriced and this org. supports too many liberal ideals. Put God back into the scouts and you’ll have my support.

Kelly Roney
13 years ago
Reply to  Won'tbuy

All the things in the world that could be improved, and you choose the Girls Scouts!? Get a life.

James Napier
13 years ago

I did not know you had taken “God” out of your oath. That is what someone told me. Is this true. If it is, I for one will never buy another girlscout cookie!

13 years ago
Reply to  James Napier

It is not true… The girl Scout Promise…On my honor, I will try, to serve God and my country, and to live by the Girl Scout Law. Won’t Buy, you need to get your facts straight.

Good to Know
13 years ago

I thought this horse was already dead?

I hope the Southborough Girl Scouts have a banner hear this year in cookie sales despite all the conservative “trash talking” on this blog.

Won’tbuy, God never proclaimed that you should brush your teeth every day either, but I hope you do. God didn’t write a step-by-step rule book on every detail for living your life. He/she gives us free will to choose between right and wrong and make some decisions for ourselves. Obviously it is easier for some than for others.

James Napier
13 years ago
Reply to  Good to Know

Who said anything about being “Conservative”? Why did you “conveniantly” put that in there? The truth is I will ask the scoutmaster if God has been taken out of his or her particular oath, and if so, I will NOT BUY ANY COOKIES! From those particular scouts!

13 years ago
Reply to  James Napier

Scoutmaster? Isn’t that in Boy Scouts? They don’t sell cookies, as far as I’m aware. I’ve been a Girl Scout troop leader, and I’d be baffled if I were asked a question like this. Our young ladies just focused on doing good works and building strong relationships and were blissfully unaware of political agendas. But of course, you shouldn’t buy anything you don’t want to buy.

James Napier
13 years ago
Reply to  Kate

I didn’t start it. I posted on here, about “GOD” and the “OATH”! And got a “derogatory” response about “Conservative trash talk”! And then I posted a reply and got a msg from whoever runs this left wing site about my retoric. Nothing was said about the comment “Conservative trash talk”. And I am not an expert on boy scouts or girl scouts. I figured they had “scoutmasters”. EXCUSE ME!

13 years ago
Reply to  James Napier

I’m sorry for your obvious distress, Mr. Napier.

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