What the fire department has been up to (4/12 – 4/18)

Tuesday 4/12/11
07:26 EMS call, Turnpike Road
08:19 Alarm system activation due to malfunction, Deerfoot Road
08:46 Vehicle accident with injuries, Boston Road and Route 30
13:35 EMS call, Main Street
14:26 Passenger vehicle fire, Route 495 North OF 9
15:12 Unintentional alarm system activation, Wildwood Drive
19:46 EMS call, Turnpike Road

Wednesday 4/13/11
08:40 Smoke detector activation due to malfunction, Main Street
12:44 EMS call, Turnpike Road

Thursday 4/14/11
17:56 EMS call, Newton Street
19:55 Vehicle accident with injuries, Route 495 Northbound at Exit 23C

Friday 4/15/11
11:30 EMS call, Newton Street
15:21 Unintentional alarm system activation, Southville Road
18:00 EMS call, Ash Street, Hopkinton
18:39 EMS call, Vickery Hill Lane
21:24 Outside rubbish/trash/waste fire, Southville Road

Saturday 4/16/11
10:02 EMS call, North Street
14:42 EMS call, John Street
15:29 EMS call, Granuaile Road
16:04 EMS call, Marlboro Road

Sunday 4/17/11
13:59 EMS call, Winchester Street

Monday 4/18/11
08:06 EMS call, Boston Road
08:07 Carbon monoxide detector activation, no carbon monoxide, Main Street
11:29 EMS call, Main Street, Hopkinton
13:23 EMS call, Brookside Road
18:04 EMS call, Walnut Drive

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13 years ago

Please publish today’s front page story of our police chief Jane Moran implying we can’t keep Southborough as safe because of budget cuts.

Every community in America is feeling the same pressures to do more with less and many are succeeding in doing just that. Actions that the Police and citizens should be advocating for and doing:
1. Create a policing program that is focused on prevention by empowering citizens to start their own crime prevention efforts on each street. With all the clubs and associations in town, ask key ones to work with the police department to make this happen
2. Identify and ask for citizen volunteers to lead this community wide effort. Make a request at a Town Meeting or at a Selectman’s session for volunteers or post the request on the town’s web site
3. Identify a laison officer who works as a volunteer with other community police departments who has indepth and past police experience to lead this effort
4. Coordinate a town department wide effort to keep everyone alert and to watch for suspicious acitivity. Crime prevention is not just the police department’s responsibility, it is each citizen’s and town deparments’s responsibility –
5. Google search for articles on how other communities are actually doing more with less and reducing the crime rate.
6. Citizens need to realize that hiring a dozen new officers will not stop crime – only involved citzens in collaboration with the police will we ever prevent crime.

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