Above: The Chambersingers will entertain guests at the Assabet Valley Mastersingers fundraiser (photo from www.avmsingers.org)
Join the Assabet Valley Mastersingers for a Wine Tasting Evening & Silent Auction on Saturday, April 30. The event will feature a variety of Old World wines, specialty New England cheeses, entertainment by the Chambersingers, and a silent auction.
Items in the auction include at least one pair of Red Sox tickets in the Pavilion Club for your choice of weekends in July or August. Other auction donors include Quilted with TLC, Cheng Du, Robinson’s Music, British Beer Company, Jean Green, RD LD CDE, Arturo’s Ristorante, Tougas’ Farms, Corrine Walker, vocal instructor, David French Music, Boost Fitness, Symphony Pro Musica Mastersingers of Worcester, Salisbury Singers, and American Guild of Organists,
The event takes place at Choate House at St. Mark’s School on Saturday, April 30 at 7:30 pm. Admission is $35. The deadline to RSVP is April 24.
You can find more information on the Assabet Valley Mastersingers website (www.avmsingers.org).