Zoning board rules in favor of Pizza 19

The Zoning Board of Appeals last night voted unanimously to reject the appeal of a neighbor who said the new Pizza 19 restaurant on Framingham Road was in violation of the town’s zoning code.

When Pizza 19 opened in February at the corner of Framingham Road and Newton Street, neighbors charged the business violated a number of zoning regulations, ranging from signage to parking to multiple occupancy use. They also complained about noise and traffic.

But the Metrowest Daily News reports the ZBA rejected those claims last night, saying the business was no different than others that have operated on the property for decades.

“This site is basically being used in the same way it has been for over 40 years,” member Matthew Hurley said. “I don’t see why we have spent as much time as we have on these issues.”

(Town Counsel Aldo Cirpriano) said that the site holds a use variance, which he said is the highest form of zoning relief. Under such a variance, the site – which has operated as one restaurant or another for decades – has a lot of leeway in terms of acceptable use, he said.

You can read more about last night’s nearly 2-hour discussion in this article by the MWDN.

Related stories:
Pizza 19 owner: Southborough neighborhood support growing (MWDN) (03/31/2011)
Neighbors raise issues about zoning at Pizza 19 property (03/03/2011)
Pizza 19 plans to open this week, neighbors not happy (02/02/2011)

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13 years ago

Ordered pizza’s the other night and they were very good. They seem like nice people behind the counter. Give them a try!

13 years ago

Too much cheese for me. Needs more sauce. Any one try the sandwiches yet, I was wondering how those were.

Carol Willoughby
13 years ago

Jeff – best meatball sub I’ve ever had!

13 years ago

We’ve had calzones, pizza, salads, couple subs, couple of the appetizers, probably at least half of the items on the specialty pizza list…everything has been fantastic!! Even my odd combo of pastrami & pineapple pizza. There may have been a couple minor errors on orders, like marinara instead of ranch on the side for one of the calzones, but they have been great. Super friendly, super prompt. We’ve done pick-up & delivery, great either way.

mom of two
13 years ago

I agree with Jeff on the pizza – I like more sauce and less cheese, and I’ll request that next time. Everything has has been great!

mom of two
13 years ago

Sorry – meant to say that everything else has been great. Yummy subs.

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