Above: An expansion to the Southborough Medical complex on Newton Street is just one of many projects that has come before the Planning Board in recent years
All major developments in town — and even some that aren’t so major — must make their way through the Planning Board before they ever break ground. From subdivisions to site plans to stone wall hearings, the Planning Board has a big impact on what Southborough looks like.
With the resignation of member Mary Hynes in May, there is now a vacancy on the board, and the Planning Board along with the Board of Selectmen are looking to appoint a replacement. The new member will serve until next May when they will be required to run for election.
The Planning Board generally meets once a month — occasionally twice a month — on Monday nights. You can learn more about what they do on the town website or in their synopsis in the annual town report (large PDF, be patient).
If you’re interested in throwing your hat in the ring, submit a resume and letter of interest to the Office of the Selectmen (17 Common Street) or by email to personnel@southboroughma.com. The deadline is Friday, June 3.