Reminder: Trottier Big Band to play with Southborough native Dave Pietro on Thursday

If you haven’t had an opportunity yet this year to hear the award-winning Trottier Big Band, here’s your chance. On Thursday night the band will share the stage with Southborough native saxophonist-composer Dave Pietro.

Pietro, who now lives in New York, has performed at jazz clubs, jazz festivals, schools, and concert halls worldwide. He’ll conduct a couple of workshops with the Trottier kids this week leading up to the concert on Thursday.

I’ll admit my bias here — my nephew is in the band — but the musicians in the Trottier Big Band play in a manner way beyond their young years. They’re really quite a remarkable group. If you’re a fan of jazz, I encourage you to attend the show. It’s sure to be a memorable one.

The music starts at 7:00 pm in the Trottier auditorium. Admission is free, but donations of cash or dry/canned goods for the Southborough Food Pantry are appreciated. The event is co-sponsored by the Northborough-Southborough Music Association and local businesses including Robinson’s Music and the David French Music Company, both of Westborough, and the Centre Music House of Framingham.

For more on the Trottier Big Band — along with lots of photos — check out this post.

(Image: Saxophonist and Southborough native Dave Pietro via

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Betsy Rosenbloom
13 years ago

Susan, thank you for your (admittedly biased) coverage of the Trottier Big Band.
I am similarly biased, but that doesn’t change the fact that these young people and their teacher are extraordinary! I just wanted to add that there will be a Bake Sale at the concert, proceeds to benefit the Southborough Food Pantry.

13 years ago

Susan, thank you for covering these types of stories. We have amazing young people among us! It is a great confidence booster for the kids and it is nice for the proud parents, too!! For the record… the performance was amazing tonight.

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