It’s going to be even hotter today. Here are some tips on how to keep your cool

We’re New Englanders. We’re used to heat and humidity. But we don’t normally see it quite so early in the season as we have this week, and that has some emergency personnel urging caution.

Southborough Emergency Management Director of Operations Neal Aspesi said the intense heat expected tomorrow — as high as 98 degrees says the National Weather Service — is of greater concern due to the time of year.

“In early June most people do not have their air conditioners installed (or tested) and bodies are not fully acclimated to summer weather yet,” Aspesi wrote in an email. “As a reminder young children and elderly are at the greatest risk of heat related health conditions.”

Aspesi passed along these tips from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency on dealing with the heat.

  • Slow down, avoid strenuous activity. Do not try to do too much on a hot day.
  • Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. Light colors will reflect heat and sunlight and help maintain normal body temperature. Protect your face with a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Drink plenty of water regularly and often, even if you do not feel thirsty. Attempt to stay hydrated.
  • Limit intake of alcoholic beverages. They can actually dehydrate your body.
  • Eat well-balanced, light, regular meals. Avoid high protein foods that increase metabolic heat.
  • Stay indoors as much as possible.
  • If you do not have air conditioning, stay on your lowest floor, out of the sun. Electric fans do not cool the air, but they do help evaporate perspiration, which cools your body.
  • Go to a place where you can get relief from the heat, such as air conditioned schools, libraries, theaters and other community facilities that may offer refuge during the warmest times of the day
  • Check with your community for information about possible local ‘cooling centers’.
  • Cover windows that receive morning or afternoon sun with drapes, shades, awnings or louvers. Outdoor awnings or louvers can reduce the heat that enters a home by up to 80%.
  • Avoid too much sunshine. Sunburn slows the skin’s ability to cool itself. If you are outside, use sunscreen lotion with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) rating.
  • Never leave children or pets alone in a closed vehicle.
  • Check on family, friends and neighbors.

The good news is things are predicted to cool off after Thursday. The not-so-good news is there is the potential for severe thunderstorms in our area on Thursday afternoon, mainly after 4:00 pm.

(Photo posted to Flickr by gfpeck)

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