Southborough precinct boundaries adjusted

You all probably know that Southborough has three voting precincts. The precinct boundaries are set with the goal of keeping the population of each within 5% of the others. A shift in where people live in town over the past decade, has prompted the town clerk to adjust the boundaries of two of the precincts to keep within the 5% goal.

Assistant Town Clerk Michelle Jenkins said the town did a block-by-block analysis of 2010 census data and determined that some addresses formerly in Precinct 1 needed to shift to Precinct 2. The change affects the following streets:

  • Newton Street from Framingham Road to East Main Street
  • Marlboro Road house numbers 99-103 (the rest of Marlboro Road was already in Precinct 2)
  • Cross Street on the West Side of Newton Street

The latest census showed that Southborough’s total population grew by 11.2% over the decade, from 8,781 in 2000 to 9,767 in 2010.

The map below shows the new boundary between Precincts 1 and 2 (click to enlarge). The new precinct boundaries will remain in place until the next census in ten years.

(click to enlarge)

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