MWDN: Southborough sex offender arrested after suicide attempt on child porn charge

A Level 2 sex offender residing on Gilmore Road in Southborough was arrested last night on child pornography charges. Police located him near the Home Depot in Natick where he attempted to commit suicide. He survived the attempt and is now in a holding cell awaiting arraignment in Framingham District Court.

You can read more details in the Metrowest Daily News.

According to the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board there are five Level 2 sex offenders living in Southborough, and one Level 3 sex offender who works in town. A Level 2 offender is considered a “moderate risk” for reoffending and Level 3 a “high risk.”

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Southside Gadsden Flyer
13 years ago

I know the Sex Offender Registry Board only lists Level 3s, so this “neighbor” was a surprise to me. Do you know what the rules are about learning of Level 2s? I see you got a number from the Police, but is that all you can get?

Southside Gadsden Flyer
13 years ago

Cancel that question, I see you can find a count on the SORB website…but that’s all.

13 years ago

As someone who lives in the same neighborhood as this person, I am concerned as well. I found the following form on the Mass Gov website that you can fill out and take to the Southborough Police Department in order to receive information on Level 2 sex offenders in our town.

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