Wildlife sightings: Fox and one cheeky squirrel

Compared to black bears, fox are a relatively common sight in Southborough, but still not an animal you encounter every day. Reader Karen Muggeridge snapped this photo of one who visited her yard recently.

She also captured this cute (and entirely ubiquitous) guy checking out her fire pit.

What about you? Bears notwithstanding, what have been your favorite wildlife sightings recently? Share in the comments.

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Dave C.
13 years ago

Our resident groundhog has been out and about. He pokes his head out from under the shed on a regular basis. We named him Southborough Phil. So far he’s been too scared to mess with my basil plant!

Southside Gadsden Flyer
13 years ago

I’ve had both rabbits and robins build nests under our deck this year, so I’ve seen many baby rabbits and robins! I hope they all made it!

13 years ago

That fox doesn’t look well to me.

13 years ago

We have had the same (I presume) gray squirrel living on our property for years. He has become so comfortable that I came home one day to see him sitting in the kids’ Adirondack chair on our front porch!

13 years ago

We joke that we have a veritable zoo in our yard. Including a mangey fox, bunnies, a groundhog that goes from under our shed to under a boulder in the yard, one day we had 15 deer parade through (much to the kids’ delight and my dismay), and last year, a coyote out my kitchen window!!

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