Above: This family of turkeys has been visiting our yard frequently these days
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I just want to say that the new park at the corner of Southville and 85 is looking great. I was skeptical about the plan, but with everything in place, it’s quite handsome. Kudos to all involved!
I completely agree, and was thinking about posting this same comment. The town spent bunches of money, and I do wish I drove by and saw people actually USING the space…but it is growing in well, and well planned. Congrats!
ditto! I have been meaning to post to say how pretty the blooms have looked
from early spring till now. I, too, have seen people actually sitting with coffee
and reading. If you take a closer look there are even window boxes with perennials
connected to the walls that run through the park.
In addition, the “yellow building” (as we call it in our family) is being nicely cared for with plantings and landscaping as well as the new warehouse/storage building a littler further down the road. The owner even put shutters on the windows to make it a bit more appealing and acceptable to the nearby neighborhoods.
Does anyone have a recommendation for lawncare services? I need my lawn aerated and seeded this fall and I’m looking for a inexpensive local company, if thats not an oxymoron. It would be a plus if they also offer landscape design services as well.
I don’t use a landscape service myself, but I know of Jay’s Lanscaping in Southborough. 508-229-7829
There are other services in town such as Doug Curtiss 508-481-2368
Jay is a great guy and I am all for supporting the local. I know several people who use him (I can’t afford a service) and are very happy with him. He also does plowing.
Ah, come on, Papa Rosa! The triangle is $150,000 of taxpayer money later, a lot of grief, and still looks like a rusty sunken ship. No matter how hard they try to cover it up, the Fall brings the rust to the surface. Whose idea was that anyway? That money would have filled the food pantries in town for quite awhile, and everyone could feel good about that.
I’m pretty sure the rust wasn’t unplanned…..intended to tie in a bit of history from the area.
Quite frankly, I appreciate the beautification of this small area of town which has been neglected for some time. Now, maybe if Fitzgeralds would get on board, the whole area would be worthy of the park, the yellow building on the corner, and the train station. The entire Fitzgerald area looks horrible and totally uncared for. Regardless of it’s history, it needs lots of TLC.
Yea, the rust was intended. I think it looks great. Pat I completely agree about Fitzy’s land. I know place has been around since before everything else on that corner, but it certainly needs A LOT of work. It would be great if we could get it listed as a historic building and ‘push’ the owner to embark on some beautification projects.
Jay’s Landscaping is great – they also do plowing in the winter. I’m sure Curtiss is good too. I like to use the local guys.
My wish list:
-a used but still serviceable gas grill (that you’re thinking of throwing out!)
-and a round or oblong patio table that could seat six….preferably wooden but glass is ok too.
Debbie, I might have one for you. I have a grill that’s been in my driveway for quite sometime now – waiting to be picked up. I just asked that person if they REALLY want it, and if not, then it’s yours. It’s a webber, a bit warn, but it is totally functional. I’ll get back to you as soon as I get word from the other party.
ok thanks Pam!
Debbie – it’s yours if you want it. I’m in Northborough on Westborough town line. E-mail me at pdietz58@verizon.net if you’d like to come check it out, pick it up or whatever.
For Sale: Jayco Eagle Series 10 pop-up travel trailer, sleeps 5 with kitchenette, new top. Great inexpensive starter camper — $650.00
Does anyone have a few pieces of regular white downspout laying around? I need about 20 feet of 2×3 glossy white downspout to build an extension.
Vinyl is relatively inexpensive at Home Depot
Thanks John. I’m trying to match the look of the aluminum I already have on there and I was planning to hit up the depot this weekend. Just thought I’d put this out there beforehand.
FREE Bainbridge paper mat board for local artists and teachers: 5×7 with 3×5 openings, wide variety of colors; 9×12 with 6×9 opening; limited amount of 8×10 with 5×7 openings. Excellent for prints or kids’ projects in schools. Also, miscellaneous glass in large sizes. Please contact me at classiccalligraphy@verizon.net to arrange pick up.
Musical Instruments For Sale: Particularly good for Neary students
Pearl 5 piece wine red drum set with bass drum pedal and 14 inch high hat $410
Pearl snare drum with case to cart to school $75
xylophone with wheeled case to cart to school $100
I am looking to relocate in the Southborough area and seeking SAFE housing. Can anyone give me a few options or apartment complexes, condo’s or house to rent to look into? Would appreciate cleanliness and safe area. Thank you
any one use a good plumber that is reasonable in his fees?
Re: Summer Night
I read on the town website that the event and its rain date were both cancelled. I know
there are/were many disappointed adults and children. Is there a plan to reschedule this event in Spetember? October? Since the fireworks were probably already purchased, why not hold it at a later date?
I live on the south side of Southborough (near Finn) and I am looking for someone who would be interested in doing the Couch-to-5K plan together. For more information on Couch-to-5K see this link: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
I have a flexible work schedule so I am open to almost any time of day. For the record, I am on the couch end of the spectrum, so I’m looking for someone with a similar pace. I was thinking of running outside, but I also have a membership at BSC – Westborough if that would work better.
Perhaps a goal could be to run the Gobble Wobble on Thanksgiving?
Let me know if you might be interested!
I am frustrated after reading the article in the MWDaily news ; Deadline looms for Capasso Land in Southborough.” Sounds like Richard Allain of Framingham’s plan for running a garden type center, growing crops on the land and selling that produce at the farm stand and better yet offering a farmers market is a dream come true in my opinion!! Why would we make this process difficult what additional permitting is necessary( for the farmers market) and why can’t their be a fast track for such! Could such a business potentially offer jobs to folks in town? I would personally love to be able to reap the benefits of a local farmers market. Yes I would put up with the possible extra traffic flow. It seems like a no brainer. How can we make our town more friendly to potential businesses and work to cut the red tape. One reason I loved this town when I moved here was the quaint store at Capasso’s. Our town leaders should be helping to foster a friendly process for business growth and development. Very frustrated!!!! We need to be warm and friendly to possible businesses just like this.
I feel the same way, but it has never been easy for businesses to open in Southborough. And yes, we should encourage business to come to Southborough….we need to get rid of the “snotty” town appearence that so many have of the Southborough.
Ann Marie,
I feel just like you and would love to have a place like the one Mr. Allain had been proposing. It has bothered me to go by it and still see it sitting idle. It seems like our town discourages this kind of business. We would love a place to buy locally grown produce at a farm stand and a farmer’s market without having to go out of town again. The climate is very right for this kind of “local produce” business and our town officials should be working to promote such a situation. That property has historical as well as agricultural value! I was very upset after reading the article and thought here we go again… another development!
After reading the article I am infuriated. If I have this right, Mr. Allain wants use the Capasso property as it has been used for years and this requires a special permit? The zoning board aught to get a hold of this guy, talk to him and stream line the process. If I were on BOS, I would make a call as well.
Capasso,s was successful for several decades for a reason……it was a great (clean) place to pick up fresh produce, deli, cheese, breads and baked goods and it was LOCAL. We should be encouraging this kind of business in our town and not leave it open to a developer with apartments in mind or to sit as an eyesore if left uncared for. This should not turn into another topic in which Southborough is bashed for being “snobby” or unwelcoming.
This a great opportunity to encourage a small-ish size business into our town which would so greatly benefit it’s residents. There should be some give and take or perhaps some more forgiving rules for expensive permits, etc. Given this current economy which looks like will continue to drag on and on. Perhaps our selectmen can intervene and help make this process a bit more business friendly and give this story a good outcome for our town as a whole.
The problem Pat, is that due to the workings of certain boards, the town has developed a hell of a reputation for being snobby, uncooperative (look at the recent new articles concerning the ZBA). It is what it is, and I agree that the Selectmen can and should encourage all to be a bit more friendly and perhaps we shall see some good things happen.
Totally agree with everything that’s being said about Capasso’s. While I don’t know if there’s enough business to support a farmer’s market in S’boro — particularly one that’s off the beaten path — it would be wonderful if something similar to what was there originally was available to us.
Am I the only one who thought that Mr. Allain was using the special permit as an excuse to walk away from the deal? In truth, the permitting process is not expensive…is his budget so tight that a few hundred dollars would break him? Or does he just want to back out gracefully?
Brenda, not much available to rent in Southborough, but pretty much anywhere in town is safe… some will just have more traffic.
Tom Bacon is a great landscaper, also does gorgeous waterfalls, etc. and plows. And he’s a heck of a nice guy! He grew up in town as well. I don’t want to put his number on the forum…
I can’t WAIT for a farm stand to come back to town… why would traffic even be an issue on Framingham Road? It’s a cut-through from 85 to 30, and not likely that it would increase any traffic there. I remember when I used to ride my bike to the Buffalo Farm there and buy penny candy (which wasn’t a penny, but you could still fill a bag for less than a $1).
Does anyone know who to contact regarding Heritage Day and obtaining a booth?
Contact recreation at 508-229-4452 or dferguson@southboroughma.com
Rain barrels……there used to be info on purchasing rain barrels on the Town Hall bulletin board. I checked this morning but there was nothing there. Anyone know where I can get a rain barrel? I’ve looked online but is totally amazing how many places sell the same exact thing and how the prices are all over the map.
Is anyone else contemplating two different schools’ open house/curriculum night on the same night (9/22) at the same time since Woodward’s was rescheduled? Knowing how crowded the Finn hallways were last year, and the time it takes to shepherd children down the street toward the school and back to the car, I’ve realized visiting all the classrooms in 90 minutes is going to be difficult.
Is the curriculum night parking at Woodward as bad as it is at Finn? (I do not mind the walk, but I have to plan for the extra time.)
Anyone know if there’s going to be run/walk race for Heritage day this year? There’s nothing on the rec department site, but last year it was sponsored by the Rotary Club, so I’m not sure where to look…