Southborough celebrates Heritage Day (with PHOTOS)

With temperatures reaching into the 80’s yesterday, Heritage Day felt more like a celebration of summer than of autumn. No doubt the weather contributed to what was from all appearances a fabulous turnout. Many I spoke with said they thought it was the best-attended Heritage Day in memory.

I have lots of photos to share with you. Today we’ll start with the parade shots. Check back throughout the week for more to come. Click an image in the gallery below to enlarge.


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13 years ago

Great pictures! It was disappointing to see that the Southborough Police did not have their booth this year. The kids always look forward to that and seeing Officer Landry who is so good with them. Equally disappointing is that the Police and Interim Fire Chief don’t bother to make an appearance at these events. This is a big event for this town and it would have been nice to see Jane lurking around and taking an interest in the events of the town. It also would have been nice for the townspeople to have had a chance to meet the Interim Fire Chief but even though there was an open house at the fire station he was nowhere to be found.

Brian Shea
13 years ago
Reply to  Disappointed


Chief Moran was talking with folks at the booths – she was there!

Thank you to all of the organizers, it was a great time.

John Kendall
13 years ago
Reply to  Disappointed

The interim Fire Chief was out in the public all day.

13 years ago

Great pics. I can’t believe how warm it was! We had a great time marching in the parade for the first time. Next time we’ll bring more candy and hang onto it until the end of the parade route for all the kids in the center of town!

13 years ago

What a great day it was! BUT, the field was in horrible condition. It was nearly impossible for anyone in a wheelchair, stroller, or walker to navigate that field. The field was covered with dead grass – should have been mowed like a hay field and raked up. Can’t we just move our festivities out of St Mark’s realm and their so-called”meadow” back up to the town hall/Pilgrim Church parking lot or at Woodward School? Can’t we shut down part of the street from the library to the other end of the common to thru traffic and have it there? BTW many thanks to the library for use of their handicapped bathroom! :)

A thought about the “original” Heritage Days: It would be great to honor the folks in Southborough who actually started and ran these in the 1970’s as a way to celebrate our town’s 250th anniversary, and the 200th anniversary of the Revolutionary War. Perhaps some of the vendors and fife and drum corps that go to the Sudbury Colonial Fair every September would attend our celebration – also makes a nice tie-in to the 5th graders’ Colonial Day. I remember watching the “soldiers” make musket balls to give to the kids, colonial re-enactments, colonial food, etc.

13 years ago
Reply to  Helen

Helen, I agree. Would like to see a few booths with that colonial theme. I get a “mall” feeling when looking at the type of booths that are there. I also agree with the pathetic state of the field. Lots of people having problems navigating. Not sure why they didn’t rake it up this year after they mowed. Didn’t make sense.

13 years ago

Some great ideas. Please keep in mind that there are only 3 people that donate their time to this event every year. If you would like to see your ideas happen please join us when we’re planning next years event. You can email if you would like to take part in this event or any other event in Town (ie Southborough Summer Nights and Gobble Wobble Road Race)

13 years ago

We are new to Southborough and had a great time! Thank you for such a great event.

13 years ago

What a great day and event! I felt that the whole town was out at the festivities and the parade was such a fun thing to watch. I, too, agree with the state of the St Marks field. It was in horrible shape and awful for folks in wheelchairs or with strollers. Is there no other place to have the event? Thanks again Rec Department and committee for a fun afternoon!

13 years ago

I have a Heritage Day there was a woman selling insanely yummy homemade candies and I took her card but lost it. Can you tell me her name/website by any chance? She is on Pakerville rd.
Thank you so much!!!!

13 years ago

Candy or cupcakes? Because I ate some awesome cupcakes that day.

13 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Candy! :)
The cupcakes were yummy too! She had a sea salt carmel that was AMAZING!

Sarah D
13 years ago
Reply to  Chelsea

Was it Anna Banana’s Homemade Goodness? You can reach her through Facebook or at

13 years ago

OMG. Had the best lemon white chocolate cupcake. Does anyone know how to contact the baker?

Sarah Whiteman
13 years ago

The sea salt chocolates and yummy chocolates were mine, thanks for the compliment! Website is, facebook address is Glad you enjoyed them, hope to hear from you soon!
Sarah Whiteman
Anna Banana’s Homemade Goodness

13 years ago

Thanks for the compliment! I’m Simply Sweet Gourmet Cupcakes. You reach me at

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