Reminder: The deadline to submit your resident survey is FRIDAY

Would you vote for a Proposition 2-1/2 override this year? What is your biggest concern when considering options for trash and recycling? Would you attend Town Meeting if it was moved to a different day? Would you recommend living in Southborough to others?

Now is your chance to voice your opinions on these questions and more through the town-wide citizen survey sent out late last month. Friday, November 11 is the deadline for submitting your survey.

While some of you took exception to certain questions asked (or not asked) in the survey, Town Administrator Jean Kitchen said the results will act “as a roadmap for town officials as they manage and allocate resources” for services like schools, recreation, and trash collection.

The town is hoping for 100% participation, so please do your part. You can mail in your survey, or drop it off in designated boxes at the Town House, Library, Senior Center, or Transfer Station. You can also complete the survey online, but you’ll need the access code found on the printed version that was mailed to you.

Results of the survey will be tabulated and presented to the Board of Selectmen at a meeting in December. Results will also be available on the town website,

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13 years ago

The first story on this survey was only a week or so ago and now the deadline has passed!

Here’s a survey question for us all: do we think these guys are completely divorced from reality? What would be so difficult about leaving the survey open for a long enough period of time to allow residents to get to Town Hall for a copy if the original was lost or never delivered. Many of us were battling power issues during that first week.
By the way, who got the surveys? One for every registered voter? Would any other survey population produce meaningful results? There are multiple voters in my home. Did we all receive a survey? Can you re-print the survey somewhere so I can see what was asked? I can’t seem to find it online because I don’t have my survey# to enter.

13 years ago

The survey asks for only one response per household. There is a significant section about trash disposal, so it wouldn’t make sense to receive multiple responses from one house. That would skew results. It does require for your household to be somewhat in consensus. I’m also dismayed that the deadline passed, since we were still in process of debating the trash disposal options in our household. But, when they printed the survey (dated 10/26), I’m sure they didn’t foresee the power outage issues. Since the deadline was Veterans Day, I’m guessing it was a soft deadline and not too late to respond this weekend if you can find your copy.

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