Above: Neighbors say Gilmore Road is too narrow for trucks
A dozen or so Gilmore Road residents went to last week’s Board of Selectmen meeting ready to argue their case. They brought photos and maps. They had data. They didn’t need any of it.
The neighbors were asking selectmen to approve a truck exclusion on Gilmore Road, a narrow, winding, tree-lined residential street that runs between Parkerville Road and Flanders Road. It was an easy decision for the board, which unanimously approved the exclusion.
“I love Gilmore Road, and it can be dangerous. There are vehicles coming around that you just don’t see,” Selectman Dan Kolenda said. “I fully support (the exclusion).”
The quick vote capped off a year-long effort by Gilmore Road residents to get the truck exclusion. Galligan said she worked with the neighbors to do a traffic study and collect data required by the state. They also had to get approval from Westborough since the alternate truck route would be down Flanders Road which runs into Westborough.
Galligan said the exclusion was necessary. “Trucks go down Gilmore and have to back out because they don’t fit.”
The exclusion still needs state approval before signs can be posted. Selectman Bill Boland suggested sending letters to businesses on Flanders Road to let them know the exclusion has been enacted.
A number of other roads in Southborough have truck exclusions, including Main Street, School Street, Latisquama Road, Boston Road, Central Street, and others.
Boland commended the Gilmore Road neighbors for banding together and working with the town to get the truck exclusion approved.
“This should be an example of how things work when citizens get involved,” he said.
Good luck, Gilmore Rd! The “no trucks” signs don’t work on School St, Latisquama Rd or Central St from what I’ve seen!
I will second that, good luck Gilmore Rd…. Middle Rd has had signs up for some time and I have seen no change. I guess the Police don’t have the resources to enforce it, again. I was thinking about calling the DPW and asking if they could call the Police and let them know they put the signs up.
Yeah! Great move! Ive been waiting for this for awhile!!
Southborough neighbors should help each other. Chairman Boland commended the Gilmore Road neighbors for banding together and working with the town to get the truck exclusion approved. Let’s all continue to work together to make Southborough a town where all of our voices are heard. Congratulations to the Gilmore Road Neighborhood!