Five fitness tips to get you in tip top shape from Fit Studio28

Above: At FitStudio 28 in Westborough (photo by Nancy Gould)

[Ed. note: This is the latest in an occasional guest series brought to you by Southborough residents Leah Ammon and Cindy Evangelous who together own FitStudio 28 in Westborough.]

Check out these five fitness tips to get you in tip top shape this spring.

1. Start a Food and Exercise Journal
Start that Journal! Record daily intake of food and daily output of all activities performed. You are more apt to stick with any regime if you record it on paper and track it. Answer to yourself and not the scale.

2. Exercise with a Group
A positive and supportive environment is key to success with exercise. There is success in numbers.

3. Use your Core
Engaging your center 15 minutes a day 3-5 times a week can improve balance, strength, and is a great way to warm up for other activities to come. It also strengthens problem areas prone to injury (ie: low back, abdominals).

4. Pick a Leisure Sport
Do something fun once a week that is fitness related. If you can enjoy yourself, than it is appropriate for you. Relieve your workout boredom with a new leisure sport. It may be swimming, walking, or anything else you don’t usually make time to do.

5. Eat less, Exercise more
Easier said than done! Spend more time each week enjoying your gift to move, rather than our given gift to eat. Pop in a pilates video, play ball outside, etc. Active people will spend less time eating than sedentary people.

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12 years ago

Excellent advice !

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