On Wednesday, May 2, the Southborough Library will host its annual Candidates’ Night. The event is a chance for you to hear from the candidates directly. You also have the opportunity to ask questions.
All the candidates from this year’s contested races have said they will attend. Candidates from some of the uncontested races are also expect to be there.
Here’s the flyer with more information.

Note to the candidates: As I have in past election seasons, I offer any of you space on the blog to get your message across. If you’re interested in doing a ‘Meet the Candidate’ post, please get in touch (mysouthborough@gmail.com).
As one of the six elected Library Trustees, I wanted to tell everyone that in addition to the four candidates for the contested races (Planning Board and Selectmen), several of the candidates in uncontested races have also said they will be attending. For those of you who are new to town or just want to learn more about town government, the Trustees encourage you to attend this event. There have been posts on this site about how daunting the political process can be in Southborough if you’re not “in the know” and I don’t disagree. One way to get “in the know” is events like this at the Library. “Candidates Night” is great way to learn more about your town government in a very welcoming and non-confrontational setting. Questions from the audience are encouraged and there are no formal rules of order. You will see old friends and make new ones at the Southborough Library. And we always have great refreshments! Hope to see you there.