It’s blogcation time!

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while know that for two weeks each summer I enjoy a brief recess from blogging. A blogcation, if you will. It’s a break from daily posting that gives me a chance to recharge, as well as to cook up new ideas for the blog to keep things interesting.

And so it is that for the next two weeks, things might be a bit quiet here on the blog. I’ll pop in once or twice during the break to say hello and share a post or two, so be sure to check back, but overall you can expect my posting frequency to be on the lighter side.

I look forward to being back with you, and back to my normal posting schedule, again on Monday, July 23. Until then, happy summer!

(Adorable photo posted to Flickr by tom@hk | 湯米tomhk)

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Lisa Braccio
12 years ago

Thanks for all you do and enjoy your break!!!

12 years ago

My days will be so much duller but I hope you enjoy your time off.

Pat Q
12 years ago

enjoy your well deserved blog-cation!

I'm just sayin'....
12 years ago

We will miss you, but am glad you are getting some down time…what you do is invaluable to the residents of our wonderful town! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

12 years ago

Totally agree. I so appreciate what you do for the town and for keeping me informed. You deserve a wonderful vacation. Take your time. Relax. Thanks again.

Mom of Two
12 years ago

Enjoy! You deserve it. :-)

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