If you’ll be driving and parking to attend Summer Nights on Saturday (5:00 pm at Neary School), or if you’ll be dropping off the kids and then picking them up afterward, here’s what you need to know.
Event parking
Parking will be available at both the Neary and Trottier school lots, but the access road between the schools will be closed to vehicle traffic, so you’ll need to access Neary via Parkerville Road and Trottier via Deerfoot Road. Parking will not be allowed on the east side of Parkerville Road from Route 30 to John Matthews Road during the event.
There will be a designated drop-off and pick-up area at Lundblad Field, which is on Parkerville Road just south of the entrance to Neary.
After the event
Vehicles parked at Neary School will need to exit via Parkerville Road and will only be allowed to turn right on Parkerville. Cars parked at Trottier will be able to exit via Deerfoot Road only. No vehicles will be allowed to enter Neary or Trottier until all vehicles have left the site following the fireworks display.
Here’s a map that shows the parking locations, as well as where other activities will take place (click to enlarge).