MWDN:T-Hawks wonder what happened to Pop Warner program

Eighteen months ago, the Northborough-Southborough T-Hawks decided to leave Central Mass. Pop Warner for another league. It was an expensive decision. Pop Warner sued, and under a settlement the Jr. T-Hawks agreed to hand over $55K of its cash reserves and $20K of equipment to Pop Warner.

At the time, Pop Warner indicated they would still have a program in town, but apparently they don’t. That has some wondering where the cash and equipment went. Reports the Metrowest Daily News:

“The word I use to describe what happened, more than anything else, is just greed,” said 12-year T-Hawk coach and parent Tom Dumont of Southborough. “There was never any intention, in my estimation, to have a Pop Warner team again in Northborough-Southborough.”

Pop Warner sued the T-Hawks in February 2011 after parents – saying they were fed up with losing badly to large towns with more older kids who could “play down” under Pop Warner rules – decided to switch to AYF, which fields teams based on grade rather than weight.

You can read more in this article by the MWDN.

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Tom Marcoulier
12 years ago

Knowing the dedication of the volunteer parents, all I can say is that Pop Warner doesn’t have the interest of the kids. All they cared about was the money. My son played for many years and I thank all his coaches for their time and dedication.

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