Letter: Dykema stands up for our veterans

[Ed note: My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor. Letters may be emailed to mysouthborough@gmail.com.]

To the Editor:

Throughout the process of drafting a veterans’ omnibus bill poised to increase access to benefits and services for veterans, my staff and I met with many individuals and groups. I was proud of the input we received from each and every member of the Legislature during the drafting of the “VALOR Act”. Representative Carolyn Dykema was at the forefront of these deliberations, especially advocating for the inclusion of veterans’ treatment courts.

When I returned home from my recent deployment in Iraq, I wanted to ensure our state remained forward-thinking and focused on the current and future climate for our service men and women and their families. Representative Dykema, as a member of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs, quickly and without hesitation reached out to me and my staff to impress the importance of including court diversion treatment programs for our veterans in the “VALOR Act”. On numerous occasions, my staff and I met with Representative Dykema to develop provisions in the bill that would assist service men and women dealing with the difficulties of reintegrating back into society after their
military deployments.

The “VALOR Act” was signed into law by Governor Patrick on May 31, 2012. With Representative Dykema’s support and counsel, several provisions of the new law were adopted directly from the legislation she originally filed and for which she advocated at the beginning of this legislative session. House bill 3410, An Act Relative to Support for Veterans, provided a blueprint for how we should evaluate the unique experiences and needs of our veterans as Massachusetts continues to explore models for veterans’ treatment courts. The passion and enthusiasm Representative Dykema displayed in advocating for our veterans, military members, and their families was unmatched. I certainly look forward to partnering with her and her knowledgeable staff in the future to address the many issues that still remain within our veteran population.

State Senator Mike Rush
Co-Chair, Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs
Iraq War Veteran

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12 years ago

A nice letter. Would mean much more if it came from a veteran in the district.

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  Publius

Offhand, I can think of at least 5 Southborough veterans who have Carolyn’s signs in their yards, and it’s a pretty prominent group.

Neil Rossen
12 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Roney

Try Pine Hill Rd. Tons of Lamb signs

Neil Rossen
12 years ago

Oh, I see. Now MySouthborough carries letters praising (Dem) political figures in passing. Fairly blatant stuff, extolling the virtues of a local political figure on the eve of an election. And should not be published. May we submit some virrtuous act by Marty Lamb.?

Neil Rossen
12 years ago
Reply to  susan

I think it sets a precedent for political statements of opinion during a political season such as “passion and enthusiasm Representative Dykema displayed” that will be regretted

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