Above: Candidate For State Representative Marty Lamb (left) with Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis (right) at a fundraiser in Southborough this week (contributed photo)
Here are all the political press releases that made it to my inbox this week. The election is 18 days away and counting.
Massachusetts Nurses Association announces endorsement of Senator Jamie Eldridge (10/15/12)
The Massachusetts Nurses Association has proudly and enthusiastically endorsed Senator Jamie Eldridge in his bid for reelection. “I am truly honored to receive the endorsement of the Massachusetts Nurses Association for my campaign. I am proud of my record this session fighting for improved health care access for all Massachusetts residents, for health care as a right, and for the successful passage of legislation banning mandatory overtime for nurses and establishing a prevention and wellness trust fund as part of the health care cost control bill.” (more)
Cavaretta Decries Decrease in Local Aid (10/15/12)
Cities and towns across the Middlesex and Worcester District are hurting due to dramatic decreases in Local Aid in recent years, says Dean Cavaretta (R-Acton), candidate for state Senate in the Middlesex and Worcester District. “Since the beginning of the Great Recession, cities and towns in our area have lost size-able chunks of aid because of a lack of leadership and irresponsible state spending priorities,” said Cavaretta. (more)
Lamb Wants State Land Audit (10/15/12)
Today Marty Lamb, candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Middlesex District and small business owner, announced that he will push for an audit of the state land so the state can sell or lease the surplus. (more)
Lamb Clear Cut Winner in Hopkinton Debate (10/16/12)
Today Marty Lamb, Republican candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Middlesex District, responded to comments made by incumbent Carolyn Dykema during the Hopkinton Cable debate. (more)
State Representative Dykema Cites Business Experience and Beacon Hill Leadership in HCAM Debate (10/17/12)
State Representative Carolyn Dykema participated in an hour-long debate with her challenger Monday evening. Sponsored by the Hopkinton Independent and Hopkinton Cable Access Television (HCAM) the event was moderated by Chuck Joseph. The candidates were presented questions by panelists Michelle Murdock of the Hopkinton Independent and Tom Moroney of Bloomberg News. (more)
Lamb Criticizes Dykema For Ethics Vote After Report Shows Beacon Hill Cronyism Thriving (10/18/12)
The Boston Herald reported today that cronyism is alive and well on Beacon Hill yet Rep. Carolyn Dykema voted against bipartisan ethics reforms months ago. The report goes on to show that half measures passed by Democratic leaders failed to put a stop to the bad behavior. (more)
Marty Lamb did a fine job in that debate, very substantive. Being a small business owner really contributes. He submits plans for reviving the economy, and he’s the only one who had step by step plans he could discuss that can help turn things around. Clearly, he’s put the work into it, and that’s what we need, a working legislator who has ideas and a fresh perspective, the positive change at the State House which is sorely needed to help bring us out of this economic stagnation.
Marty Lamb is the person who brings the reality check to Beacon Hill, and that is very much needed. He will bring the remedy to the State House that is stuck in reverse. We need to move forward with Marty Lamb and solutions that matter.
Marty Lamb was endorsed by Citizens For Limited Taxation (CLT). They are a terrific watchdog group and great ally for taxpayers. CLT really watches out for the taxpayer. That’s why they made the choice to endorse Marty Lamb.
What I notice above: “very substantive” with no examples. “Small business owner” with no mention of the real and dismal history of Lamb’s struggling law firm. “Plans for reviving the economy” without any detail, much less any “step by step plans.”
Here’s a partial list of what Carolyn Dykema has already done for us:
For the economy:
– Restrained health care costs in three bills that help all of us (reform passed this session), small businesses in particular (buying groups through local Chambers of Commerce), and towns (ability to put unions into the state GIC)
– Shared advantageous tax treatment to smaller agricultural businesses in the district
– Worked with EMC to bring continuous improvement to state government – the pilot saved $250,000 (this uses her successful business background and her MBA)
– Got funding for a sewer hookup from Milford to Hopkinton that allowed 100 new high quality jobs in the district with the prospect of 200 more
For veterans (which you can see by all the vets who support her):
– Passed the bipartisan Valor Act, working with Matt Beaton (R-Shrewsbury)
– Enabled a special court to try to keep service-related problems (PTSD, substance abuse, etc.) from permanently damaging the lives of these service members to whom we owe so much
– Listened to young vets about their outreach needs (since they don’t spend as much time in traditional veterans’ organizations)
For Southborough:
– Protected regional school district transportation funding
– Protected local aid to education
– Restored SPED circuit breaker aid to full funding
– Got a change in regional EMS membership and a waiver so that we can have more paramedics/EMTs in the field at any given time
I’d love to get into her strong reform record, but I need to go door to door for her in less than half an hour, and I need to get ready.
Marty Lamb’s promises are as empty as his record. Carolyn Dykema brings real, practical solutions, not mere promises.