Letter: Government regulations hurt local businesses

[Ed note: My Southborough accepts signed letters to the editor. Letters may be emailed to mysouthborough@gmail.com. Please note the last day to submit letters related to next week’s election is November 2.]

To the Editor:

Government regulations are hurting our local businesses. I was disappointed to learn that Rep. Dykema voted to force home daycare centers into a state employee union. She’ll say they are not forced, but the state takes the money out of the voucher whether they join or not. These are small women-owned home daycares that are being hurt.

These small businesses have opposed being in the SEIU for 8 years. Instead of the legislature accepting that decision, they passed legislation to force them to pay union dues.

Rep. Dykema’s vote was anti-small business. The large corporate daycare centers like Kindercare are exempt.

Worse yet, it will cause the rates for parents to increase, and moreso cause them to close their doors. This hurts parents and children who rely on trusty local daycares.

On November 6th we can do better. Vote Marty Lamb for State Representative.

Donald Folkes
Southborough, MA

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Kelly Roney
12 years ago

I’ve rebutted this nonsense at least 50 times, yet the Lamb campaign continues to trot out the “forced unionization” falsehood.

This bill is specific to family daycares that take state vouchers. The owners of these daycares would become part of the union if they choose to, and they would only choose to join if it benefits their small businesses.

Only three daycares in this district accept state vouchers.

State vouchers don’t pay very much, so the children of working parents who can’t afford much care don’t get much care. Demographically, these kids underachieve later, when they’re in school, and it costs us tons of money to try to catch them up – if it’s even possible. But we want to catch them up, since that’s how to strengthen an economy that’s built on people, not natural resources.

The idea of this new law is to allow a small set of daycares to negotiate better pay rates in exchange for better education and staffing. In the long run, it’s intended to improve early childhood vocabulary building, for example, and to save us all money and advance the human potential of these children.

Why not simply legislate more money and higher standards? Then there’s no way to negotiate these incrementally, and the legislature has to intervene constantly and is always at risk for imposing small business burdens and for paying too much.

This is likely to be better for these family daycares, but it’s their decision.

So, fair, voluntary, pursues a vital public policy goal, and looks to the future.

12 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Roney

I would like you to know that you are incorrect in this issue. I am a family Childcare provider who spends many hours with children, teaching them everything from life skills to math and early reading skills. I also teach them compassion and how to interact with their friends.

There are 54 pages of regulations for Childcare providers in Massachusetts to follow each and every day. Each provider is encouraged to further their education and we must each get yearly trainings on everything from healthy foods to science to infant brain development.

I hold a teachers certificate. I have an associates degree in science,in early childhood education. I am furthering my education and working toward a bachelors degree. I hold a certificate that says I can go run a daycare center if I choose to. My heart is in working with young children, teaching them, and preparing them for kindergarten. I have been in this career for many years and love my job.

One thing that you have wrong is the number of child care providers who take voucher children. Living in Southborough, I have never until this past June, been without at least one child on vouchers. And yes, most live right here in our little town. Do you think I treat the voucher children any differently than I treat private pay children? Feed them cheaper food or give them lesser quality activities? Absolutely not. To say that these children may not be getting quality care because they are on vouchers is completely untrue. You should really do better research to get your facts straight.

All children deserve quality care. Even if the teacher makes less than half of her or his daily rate on these children.

The truth is, if I take a voucher child, I must be a part of the union. If I don’t want to be a part of the union, I cannot take these children. I give back to my community by taking these children. I will no longer be able to do this. This directly effects those families who need quality childcare. This will in turn make it so that these parents will no longer have a choice between family chilcare and center based childcare. Is that fair?

All teachers deserve to be able to choose whether they want to be a part of a union. That right has been taken away from me and countless others in Massachusetts and its not right!

Margaret Reeves
12 years ago

If a home daycare accepts ONE child on a voucher, they are forced into the union!!

If the legislature wanted to increase the rates they could just do it. Senate Republicans offered an amendment to increase the rates and Democrats voted it down. Hence this is just to put home daycare people into a union.

Two years ago the union tried to recruit the home daycare centers into the union. They were turned down so now they got the legislature to force them into the union.

Why do daycare centers need a lobbyist??? That’s what is wrong, too.

This puts home daycare at a competitive disadvantage because they now have to pay union dues in the cost of doing business

Home daycare centers are being forced if they accept one child. Moreover, if the home daycare centers want to add children to their center to cover the costs, they can only take voucher children

Dykema’s people should be ashamed for not telling the truth. The legislature could have raised the rates without forcing them into the unions! Shame on Dykema.

Here’s the real picture from someone who knows firsthand, ie, a woman who runs a home daycare.


SB Resident
12 years ago

The irony in this is that having the unions is free market force. The government shouldn’t just blindly raise the rates as you suggest. The one paying the money should always try to pay as little as possible, which in turn causes the union to form. A group of providers get together because they think the rates are too low, so they form a union and “lobby” the government for more money. Now a proper free market negotiation happens and a fair market value is established.

The problem is, the group not in the union that accepts the vouchers at the higher negotiated rate are getting a free ride from the group that formed the union. So of course they are going to turn down joining the union. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free.

The evil democrats see this unfairness occurring and legislate they problem away. Overall, the cost of the union is going to be built into the rate the union negotiates for these vouchers, so its really the average tax payer who foots this bill. No daycare providers are going to go out of business as a result of this. They just want to continue their free ride.

In fairness, I don’t buy Ms. Roney’s positive spin either, but he gets to the real points at the end. It all boils down to economics and the governments role is to keep things sane.

Dan Frank
12 years ago
Dan Frank
12 years ago
Iron Mike
12 years ago

Don, what do you expect?

Dykema takes her marching orders and her campaign $$$ from the unions – Teachers and SEIU.

NOW it seems she failed to report the SEIU $500.oo – oops! Sloppy bookkeeping – or hiding her union connection?

Either way – by her votes and her loyalty – she’s sticking it to the voters she pretends to care about.

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  Iron Mike

It is simply a falsehood that Carolyn takes union contributions.

The SEIU did the sloppy bookkeeping, and they’ve corrected it. Their amended report is at http://www.efs.cpf.state.ma.us/DisplayReport.aspx?reportId=161365 and states:

Removed $500 contribution to Dykema Committee–candidate does not accept PAC conributions and check was not cashed.

You can be careful about facts – or not. You’ll find that Carolyn’s supporters are, in stark contrast to Lamb’s supporters.

Iron Mike
12 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Roney

After all they did in the election of 2008 – give us one (1) reason to ever trust the SEIU.

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Roney

Did what?

SEIU didn’t help Carolyn.

Margaret Reeves
12 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Roney
Margaret Reeves
12 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Roney

This is typical scramble and backpeddling.

Dear Editor,

It is Rep. Dykema who is attempting to mislead voters.

Miraculously yesterday she comes up with back dated letter saying she returned it. The problem with that is that the SEIU never reported the return check until guess when? Yesterday. How convenient!

The other problem is that the proper procedure for returning a donation is to deposit and then refund. If you look at the Representative’s previous reports, that’s how she has done it in the past.

read more here….


Neil Rossen
12 years ago

A vote for Obama is a vote FOR regulation. On Tuesday there is a choice.

Dan Frank
12 years ago

When a person runs for political office we expect them and their surrogates to be honest about what legislation means. It reflects on their character. In the case of Mr. Folkes and Marty Lamb (whom Mr. Folkes represents here), they have misrepresented the facts on 2012’s home daycare center legislation.

This legislation is only for day care providers who accept Massachusetts paid vouchers for low-income and at-risk children. Not all children. Nothing in the legislation forces a day care provider to join any union. Day care workers would not become state workers for any reason, not for state payroll or state benefits. What the legislation does is take out a small amount of money from the voucher for an organization to bargain on behalf of both child care providers and low-income and at-risk children (and their families). It should ensure that voucher payments remain fair and adequate for all. As far as I can read it, if a day care center doesn’t want to accept the vouchers they don’t have to.

This will not increase rates parents pay. It will not affect parents who do not need vouchers.

Don’t take my word for it. Here’s the legislation:

It’s like car insurance. If you want to drive a car in Massachusetts you accept a regulation through car insurance. It levels the playing field and if you get hit by another car it makes sure you are covered.

Large, corporate daycare centers are not included in this legislation because they already have lobbyists and representatives who work for them.

Not everything in government and not every regulation is intended to restrict the free market. Carolyn Dykema represents her district with a fair and even hand. As a small business person I know she represents our district well. It reflects badly on her opponent and their supporters when they don’t honestly represent the facts.

Iron Mike
12 years ago
Reply to  Dan Frank

When a person runs for legislative office we have a right to expect them to read the bills, and understand the long-term consequences.

Dykema fails that basic test.

She votes with the ‘leadership’ – i.e. with Speaker Bob DeLeo and the other union hacks.

Just Thursday afternoon we learned about the $500.oo SEIU contribution she failed to report.

And FYI, the large daycare factories were delighted with the bill – because it will force many home centers to close, – thus driving business into their high-priced arms. It is the working moms and their kids who get shafted – something Dykema failed to envision.

The big daycare factories are delighted with the bill – it will force many family daycare places to close- forcing their clients into their high-priced arms. It will be the working moms and their kids who get hurt the worst – something Dykema failed to envision.

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  Iron Mike

I’ve got a quote from My Cousin Vinny that I’m dying to use, but I’m sure Susan wouldn’t let me (and rightly so).

Carolyn reads the bills. It’s not as though they come out of nowhere. They get proposed, they get assigned to committee, they get moved to the floor, they get debated. It’s a long process, plenty of time for reading.

Sure, there are amendments, and those are not in print for 24 hours. But they’re usually pretty short. And no one who has a memory (Carolyn, for instance) has to start over reading from the beginning. Duh.

Carolyn’s voting history is less partisan than every single Republican House member. Every one.

Your claims about the daycare bill are so wrong I can tell you just made them up. If daycares choose to unionize, they should expect to be able to negotiate for more money, not less. They may have to accept more stringent educational levels to get more money.

Large daycares do not accept state vouchers, because they demand more money for care than a voucher pays. They’re irrelevant.

The working moms and dads who receive vouchers will be better off. Those vouchers will pay for better care.

12 years ago
Reply to  Dan Frank

I already pay taxes on the money I make through the voucher children. I get nothing in return for giving the union money that is below 50% of what I make with private pay families. Sure they will lobby to get me higher rates. The money is not there to get. I am willing to bet that I would pay more for union dues than the ‘raise’ they get us.

Margaret Reeves
12 years ago
Reply to  Dan Frank

Mr. Frank is absolutely wrong in his analysis of the forced unionization of home daycare. If you read the legislation it does. For 8 years home daycares have refused to join the SEIU of their own free will. So this year the SEIU got the legislature to force it upon them.

Mr. Frank states in his letter that a small amount will be taken out of the voucher. He makes the point. That money goes to the union. It doesn’t go to the home daycare owner. It doesn’t help care for children. Mr. Frank leaves out his letter that the legislature can raise the rates at any time to home daycare owners. No union is required. He also leaves out of the letter that the legislature rejected raising their rates this year. Let me state it very clearly no union is required to raise the rates at any time. The legislature has the power to do it. This was just an election year gift to the powerful union in the state.

The state does have a low rate of reimbursement. Now home daycares are making an even lower rate due to the money coming out of the voucher. Mr. Frank fails to explain how that difference will be made up. There are two ways. One the home daycare will raise the rates on parents. Or two they will close their doors.

I do suggest people read the legislation. I also suggest that contact Kathy D’Agostino. She is the home daycare lady who has been fighting the SEIU. She is living thru this nightmare.

As we saw in the Hopkinton debate, Rep. Dykema had to admit she was wrong voting against putting committee votes online. That’s just one of many votes. If Marty Lamb could debate her on all of her other votes it would become very evident she just votes for the Speaker. She voted against making the Ethics Committee nonpartisan twice. She voted against a new code of ethics. She believes not taxing food and clothing is a tax loophole. Most people believe that is a new tax, not a loophole to be closed.

12 years ago

Forcing people to do anything is unAmerican. I really feel sorry for these small in home daycare providers. Dykema does NOT represent small business. It’s obvious she is beholden to unions. Dykema needs to find another job in the private sector…perhaps the union will hire her. BTW – her claims that she is independent of the unions and special interests are total crap. I’ve already received 3 mailers from unions and 2 from the Boston political party on her behalf. Dykema, stop lying to us.

Neil Rossen
12 years ago
Reply to  MKatz

Indeed. It is clear to all that the Dems are completely beholden to the unions. Hence we have inflated pensions, salaries and benefits for their members at the expense of the rest of those poor suckers who continue to support the Dems and the rest of us. Just think of the GM bailout. Creditors were stiffed and the unions and their pensions preserved at what will ultimately be our expense as GM will again sink under the weight of the unions. If you’re a union member (and particularly if you’re employed by government) I don’t blame you for voting Dem. If you’re not, my question is why are you voting Dem? Is it simply because of the mistaken belief that they are kinder and gentler than Republicans? You can disabuse yourself of that belief by comparing Romney’ contributions to charity (on a % basis) with O’s. Alternatively, continue to support the union members with their higher pay, job security and benefits than other workers.

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  MKatz

MKatz, the union mailers did not come from Carolyn. The Constitution gives them the right to mail you, and Carolyn has no control over their opinion.

Carolyn has a very positive record on business (and she’s never run one into the ground). In just four years, she has voted to:
– control health insurance costs in several ways
– cut corporate tax rates
– freeze unemployment insurance rates
– give small agricultural businesses the same advantageous tax treatment as larger ones
– reform regulations
– provide good water infrastructure

And Marty wants to reduce small corporation filing fees. Carolyn, when she listened to actual viable small businesses, did not hear that requested at all.

What she heard was health care costs, so that’s been one of her top priorities, and she has a record of accomplishment, as in every other area of her life.

darlene hayes
12 years ago

The hole we are in, was dug from 2000 – 2008…in 2008 the DOW dropped to 8500 losing 4000 points!!! the Dow is now over 13000 and corporate America is recording record profits for the second year in a row! booyah!
Mr Lamb’s endoresement are from outside the district and cant vote for him. Mr Lamb lacks grassroots local level community experience to then earn an opportunity to go to Beacon Hill.
The outpouring of public endorsements, community leaders, the MWDN are ALL for Carolyn Dykema. All who live and are voters in the 8th district, see Carolyn as the tireless pro active giver in OUR community, we have got it right and will all be voting to re-elect Carolyn Dykema tomorrow!

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