Political round-up: The week in press releases

Here are all the political press releases that made it to my inbox this week. The election is 4 days away and counting.

Levy endorses Lamb (10/29/12)
Today Marty Lamb, Republican candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Middlesex District, announced that Rep. Steven Levy has endorsed his candidacy. (more)

Melissa’s Law Dad blasts Eldridge, endorses Dean Cavaretta (10/30/12)
Les Gosule today blasted Senator James Eldridge and endorsed his opponent, Dean Cavaretta for state senator, calling Eldridge “seriously out of touch with most citizens and even his own party.” (more)

Worcester Telegram endorses Lamb (10/31/12)
Today Marty Lamb, Republican candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Middlesex District, announced that he has received the endorsement of the Worcester Telegram. The paper called him the candidate of “balance.” (more)

Sheriff Evangelidis endorses Lamb (11/1/12)
Today Marty Lamb, Republican candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Middlesex District, announced that Sheriff Lew Evangelidis has endorsed his candidacy. (more)

Report Emphasizes Dykema’s Grassroots Campaign (11/1/12)
The Dykema campaign reported today that residents from the district made up 85% of the campaign’s donors for the period, compared with approximately 48% for her opponent, according to the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF) report. Dykema says the high percentage of in-district donors is evidence that her philosophy of foregoing special interest PAC money is exactly what voters are looking for. (more)

Representative Dykema Honored by MetroWest Daily News Endorsement (11/1/12)
State Representative Carolyn Dykema is proud to have earned the endorsement of the MetroWest Daily News, the 8th Middlesex District’s premier regional newspaper. Citing her dedication to the people I serve and their best interests, they endorsed her, confident that “she will continue to grow in influence.” (more)

Southborough voter endorses Lamb
The Lamb campaign has posted a couple of endorsement videos. One by Southborough Unenrolled voter Jim Novello is included below. You can also check out ones by Holliston Democrat Thom Gilbert and Holliston Unenrolled voter Sue Austin.

M4V04120 from Desiree Awiszio on Vimeo.

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12 years ago

This is getting ridiculous. Completely random and unknown voter Jim Novello endorses Lamb and they put out a press release. Why should I care? I even googled his name to see why he might be someone whose endorsement should matter to me. Nothing. This election cannot be over soom enough with Carolyn Dykema back to doing a great job for our district.

12 years ago
Reply to  Resident


It’s just politics, I have to admit it’s hard to keep your emotions in check when someone else stands on top of a mountain and screams their opinion excersizing there first amendment rights when there views are not the same as yours. I always tell myself at this point not to ever underestamate ingorance (ingorance of the facts, not stupid) in large numbers. You are correct the election will be over soon. The kicker is I won’t be in town next week and have already voted and it wasn’t for Dyke ma. My exsperiance at this point tells me she will win the elaction now. So the frustration runs with everyone as it will never turn out the way anyone wants 100%. Happy voting everyone.

Margaret Reeves
12 years ago
Reply to  Resident

Sir, I think disparaging citizens is totally uncalled for. This person’s vote and endorsement is just as important, and in my opinion, carries more weight because he’s a citizen peer. The other Democrat Thom Gilbert’s endorsement of Marty Lamb was especially genuine and moving. Sue Austin is yet another citizen happy to speak up.

This is no different than videos your candidate has put up. You didn’t see anyone disparage them. Demeaning a voter willing to speak up is very bad form.

12 years ago

Ms. Reeves,

Please reread my post. I in no way disparaged Mr. Novello. I said that his “endorsement” of Marty Lamb was not an event worthy of a press release. FYI, I don’t think MY endorsement of Ms. Dykema is worthy of a press release either. Endorsements in politics are usually from an individual who is known in the larger community and, as such, whose opinion others will look to, consider and say to themselves “so-and-so is endorsing this candidate. I have agreed (or disagreed) with his opinions, actions, service (fill in the blank as you wish) so I will consider his endorsement when I vote.” A case in point is the recent endorsements of President Obama by Colin Powell and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Susan has opened up her blog to letters and press releases and is doing so in a bipartisan way. Putting out a “press release” about a non-newsworthy event like Mr. Novello’s endorsement is just a tactic to get Lamb’s name to appear in her weekly post. I didn’t follow the links to the other “endorsements” in the “press release” so I have no opinion about them and didn’t state one.

Please point out the videos from the Dykema campaign to which you are referring. If you mean the video from the past and current chairmen of the Southborough Board of Selectmen, then you are comparing apples and oranges. Those men are well-known in our community, hold or have held political office and are active in local politics. Importantly, they have had numerous occasions to actually work with Ms. Dykema and our other Representatives on issues affecting our district. Lastly, they were political adversaries in the past so their agreement on this issue is informative.

12 years ago

My neighbor had a ‘closing from h*ll’. She told me that Marty Lamb, the real estate attorney, was fabulous. He kept his calm, was clear thinking, helped her and her husband keep their calm and worked with all entities involved in the situation. In the end, it was Marty who was the person able to bring it all together. He gets high praise from his clients. AND he gets a vote from me and all those who have had dealings with him. I’m voting for MARTY LAMB.

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