Letters: Southborough residents support their candidates

Yesterday was the deadline to submit election-related letters to the editor, and a whole bunch of them made their way to my inbox. Instead of posting them one at a time, I’m sharing them here as a collection. Follow the links to read the letters in full.

Keefe: Lamb will bring positive change to Beacon Hill
Our state’s unemployment has jumped up for the 3rd straight month in a row. If we want to turnaround our economy, the Commonwealth must be more business friendly. Only one candidate for State Representative has a plan. That candidate is Marty Lamb. (more)

Rooney: Dykema has the best interests of Southborough at heart
In an age when party affiliation tends to cast black storm clouds over the discourse, it is of great consequence to keep in mind what is and what is not important when electing a representative to represent us in the State House. It is beyond debate that most people believe that our federal and state governments need to improve and need to listen more and fix problems rather than just posturing and barking about them. When electing a state representative, it is actions that are more important than words, promises, or gimmicks. We need and must have a representative who will work for us around the clock, and not worry or vote based upon who ultimately gets the credit or the publicity. (more)

Polutchko: Dykema instrumental in increasing local aid
It is with deepest sincerity that I would like to endorse Representative Carolyn Dykema and whole-heartedly support her re-election bid for the State Legislature. As Chair of the Southborough School Committee I have had the pleasure to work with Carolyn for the past several years. I have witnessed firsthand her unwavering commitment to not just the children, but ALL people of her communities. (more)

Whynot: Dykema supports veterans
I would like to express my support of Representative Carolyn Dykema to continue representing the citizens of Southborough as she has been doing. I’m a registered Independent and as such have shared with Carolyn directly – I may not agree with her on everything – but one thing I do know. She is a sincere, dedicated, honest, personable down to earth person, easily approachable and always willing to discuss and share information. (more)

Pochapin: Dykema cares about constituents
I saw the recent letter you printed supporting Marty Lamb and I’d like to tell you why I support Carolyn Dykema for State Representative. Where I lived prior to moving to Southborough, I didn’t take any personal interest in the State Rep elections. I might not have ever felt I had a stake in this one either if Carolyn Dykema wasn’t so visible in our town. But I constantly see her at local and town events. (more)

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12 years ago

Excellent summaries of different viewpoints. Thank you Mrs. Fitzgerald.

I found all of the comments about Representative Dykema fair and objective, and Mr. Rooney’s comment about the musical card something I totally agree with.

I have decided to cast my Republican vote for Dykema. The unfortunate Mr. Lamb has been stained both by his silly campaign tactics along with my continuing disgust for tactics of Romney/Ryan. Nevertheless, good luck to both Representative Dykema and Mr. Lamb.

Jerry C
12 years ago

If you contact Carolyn with an issue (as I have), you will find she responds quickly, honestly, intelligently and responsibly.

Carolyn, I wish you the best of luck in this election. We’ve been fortunate to have you as our representative, and hopefully you will be there for us in the future.

Dean Dairy
12 years ago

Even as a political outsider, I found Mr. Rooney’s comments stunningly obtuse, selectively narrow, misleading and empty of content. He begins his “endorsement” of incumbent Rep. Dykema, not with her virtues, but with her challenger Marty Lamb’s alleged vices, using a crimped description of a single mailing from the Lamb campaign.

First, for background, here’s a video of the Lamb campaign mailer I found on YouTube:


Rooney: “I received a campaign card from Mr. Lamb the other day that, when opened, shockingly played music promising to “Shake, Rattle and Roll” the State House if elected… remarkable, not because of its atypical, hidden musical surprise (a song, by the way, written depicting specific sexual maneuvers), but its complete lack of any platform he would pursue if elected. Its entire written content was focused on disapproving attacks against Representative Dykema’s voting record. I do not know if the music was aimed at an uneducated electorate (if so, the mailings in Southborough were misplaced), or if the music was designed to dumb‐down the import of the November 6, 2012 election. I do know that the expenses incurred in such a mailing did nothing to further my knowledge about Mr. Lamb’s policies, did nothing to tell me where he stands on any issue, and did nothing to convince me why I should vote for him.”

1.) As for substance, wouldn’t one naturally assume that Lamb takes the position opposite the incumbent Rep. Dykema on the 15 bullet points citing her recorded votes in the state legislature? Mr. Rooney failed to identify much less endorse Rep. Dykema’s position on any of those 15 roll-call votes.

2.) “Shockingly”? Is Mr. Rooney really trying to impugn Lamb as targeting the “uneducated electorate” with a subliminal sexual message? If so, maybe Mr. Rooney should tell Rep. Dykema where in the legislative district, other than Southborough, such a libidinous appeal wouldn’t be “misplaced”?

Rooney: “In an age when party affiliation tends to cast black storm clouds over the discourse, it is of great consequence to keep in mind what is and what is not important when electing a representative to represent us in the State House.”

1.) The four Dykema mailings I’ve received are from the Massachusetts Democratic Party (3) and the Mass Teachers Association (1). What that told me is that she’s beholden to her party’s leadership and public employee union special interests.

2.) Rep Dykema’s support from the state party and special interests also reinforces a substantive theme of Lamb’s mailing that Rooney completely ignored: Dykema votes with the House Speaker over 95% of the time. The only ambiguity I detected in the Lamb mailer was whether that percent applied to the current Democratic speaker only or any of previous three that have been criminally indicted.

Rooney: “So while I do not know Mr. Lamb and therefore have no idea of what type of state representative he would make for our town, I do have such a track record with Carolyn Dykema. I have had the honor of working with Carolyn for two years in my capacity as selectman and have witnessed first‐hand Carolyn’s commitment and dedication to the residents of Southborough. When you spend the amount of time I have recently spent debating the issues and seeking to improve our community for all who reside and work here, it becomes clear very quickly who truly cares about making a difference and putting in the extra effort. I am convinced beyond all doubt that Carolyn has the best interests of Southborough in mind and that her actions do in fact make a difference. Carolyn is a passionate, effective and consistent advocate for the town of Southborough and someone who truly understands the important issues facing our town. Carolyn has been a representative in the true meaning of that word, representing all of Southborough and all of our residents, and has done so pragmatically, effectively, and without gimmicks. I would urge any undecided voter to base their vote on the important matters of substance and step back from the perils of modern day campaign methods.”

1.) Using the words of Mr. Rooney’s own criticism of Lamb’s mailer, Rooney’s endorsement “did nothing to tell me where [Rep. Dykema] stands on any issue”.

2.) Mr. Rooney’s offers his personal endorsement, nothing more.

3.) The extent of Mr. Rooney research before criticizing Lamb seems to be his “shockingly” obtuse and selective reading of a single campaign mailer.

4.) When it comes to myriad issues affecting the town of Southborough, however, shouldn’t we expect Mr. Rooney in his official capacity to more actively research all sides of the issue before making public representations to his constituents, rather than cocooning himself in political party, personal relationships and connections?

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  Dean Dairy

Carolyn Dykema has a less partisan voting record than every single Republican member of the House. She opposed Speaker DeLeo’s top priority, casinos, as well as his previous bill to appoint an interim Senator. She works frequently with Republican legislators, notably with Matt Beaton on the Valor Act.

12 years ago

Dykema voted for forced unionization of in home daycares. She is definitely anti small business and anti women. Why would she be so ‘wonderful’ in her district and then go to Boston and squash her constituents? Why is she two faced?

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  MKatz

In stark contrast to Carolyn Dykema, who is clearly engaged with our shared communities and truly does represent us, Marty Lamb has a long history of saying whatever he thinks is convenient to his election chances.

What does Marty Lamb really believe? At this late date, he’s trying to re-market himself as an independent. Huh?

He’s the guy who ran as an extreme Tea Party candidate in 2010, so far to the right that he alone in all Massachusetts Congressional races signed a pledge that said Social Security and Medicare were unconstitutional. He still has huge Tea Party support, and he’s never rejected any of his previous positions.

Oh, by the way, in 2010, he signed the pledge, but then he expediently exempted Social Security and Medicare. So he wasn’t principled enough to adhere to his own principles of misinterpreted the Constitution.

This time around, Marty “pledged” never to raise taxes, then at the Holliston debate he said he’d consider it, then he went back to no new taxes. I guess he convinced someone, because Grover Norquist’s father just gave Marty some money.

My guess: If Marty won (which he won’t), the only times he’d depart from the Republican House Leader would be when Marty wanted something even more extreme. Those are the people paying his bills.

Al Hamilton
12 years ago

I believe that Ms Dykema is a good person and a competent legislator even though I disagree with a number of her positions. However, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That is the case with political corruption in the State House. The only thing voters need to consider is that the last 3 Speakers have been indited and the current one is under suspicion in the probation scandal.

If you like that sort of thing then vote for Ms Dykema and nothing will change (although there will be lots of ineffective window dressing designed to cover up the river of sleaze). Things will only change if enough Democrats are removed from the State House to threaten their eternal grip on the reigns of power.

I have no reason to believe that Ms Dykema is personally benefiting from the statehouse old boy network of influence peddling but she is inevitably part of that machine by her continued support of the speaker and his agenda.

If I could vote for the Speaker and the leadership I might vote differently but I cannot. The only choice I have is between Mr. Lamb and Ms Dykema. I will be voting for Mr. Lamb, not because I agree with him but because we need to remove the Democrats from power for at least one election cycle as just compensation for decades of corruption.

SB Resident
12 years ago
Reply to  Al Hamilton

I thought the definition of insanity was electing republicans and expecting any less corruption than with the democrats.

Al Hamilton
12 years ago
Reply to  SB Resident


I will be holding my nose while voting Republican in this race, I find much of their social agenda repulsive. But I believe that one party rule breeds an ever increasing levels of corruption. Certainly that appears to be the case in Mass.

Do I believe that Mr. Lamb will lead us to the promised land? No. But but Mark Twain’s observation that “Politicians, like babies should be changed often and for the same reason.” was never truer than in this case. The only way I can register my displeasure with the corruption pervades the state house is to vote against Ms. Dykema whatever her personal merits might be.

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  Al Hamilton

Al: “… to vote against Ms. Dykema whatever her personal merits may be.”

I hope you don’t get the government you deserve with an attitude like that.

I hope I continue to get the government I deserve by electing fine public servants like Carolyn Dykema.

12 years ago
Reply to  Al Hamilton

“I will be holding my nose while voting Republican in this race, I find much of their social agenda repulsive. But I believe that one party rule breeds an ever increasing levels of corruption. Certainly that appears to be the case in Mass.”

I really don’t understand this statement. My point of view is that social policies are the heart of government and its MOST important mission. What is the cost of “corruption?” There is no cost greater than sacrificing the freedoms and productive lives of our citizens, which is the aim of social policy. To boot, I hold out no hope that corruption will decrease with a proliferation of Republicans. That is oxymoronic to me.

This perverse way of thinking is equivalent to throwing out the baby with the bath water. You are dealing in some kind of numeric theory. I am looking to elect the best representative for our district. Doing anything but that is perverse.

Frank Crowell
12 years ago
Reply to  SboroResident

“There is no cost greater than sacrificing the freedoms and productive lives of our citizens,….”

You could not be more right, and from recent events (national, international, local and overall economy), I see no reason to give the Democrats more time to “fix” anything. There has already been too much sacrifice. I will be whistling John Philip Sousa tunes all the way to the voting booth.

Al Hamilton
12 years ago
Reply to  SboroResident


It would probably inform your understanding of my position if I told you that I am a Libertarian at heart and do not believe that social policy is central role of govt. The proper role of State Govt, in my opinion is about Safety & Security, Roads, a system of property rights, and the management of orderly markets.

Do I believe that if by some miracle the Republicans controlled the House its leadership would instantly become as corrupt as the current Democratic leadership. No, that level of sleaze has accumulated from decades power without meaningful opposition or checks and balances and it would take the Republicans at least 10 years to match it although I am sure they could get down that learning curve quickly.

The legislature desperately needs checks and balances and I think it is my duty to cast my vote for change.

It is my vote and the thing that animates me, more than any other issue is the 3 previous speakers being indited. I can’t vote for them so the only vote I get to register my disapproval is the one I cast for the seat currently held by Ms Dykema. For better and worse, she is a party stalwart, and part of the machine. I have no reason to doubt that she is a good and decent person even if I suspect she is far more liberal than I am but the old adage “If you lie down with dogs you will get up with fleas.” applies.

That is why I am voting the way I am in this race.

12 years ago

Lamb has failed to articulate compelling reasons to vote for him. Worse his antics sometimes antagonize. At least we know Dykema and she has done a pretty good job for Southborough and she is very pleasant to deal with. The best vote for Southborough would be to return Dykema and Scott Brown to the Senate.

Karen Muggeidge
12 years ago

I am proud to be voting for Caroline Dykema as our State Rep in this election. I feel she has been, and will continue to provide the best representation for our cormmunitity and the district on Beacon Hill.
I commend Mr Lamb for running, as I do any candidate. Once again, he has certainly gotten my attention, and by doing that has allowed me to make an even more informed decision.
I have rarely voted for a candidate where I have agreed 100% with everything they have on their record, or their platform and it is not the case in this election either. My choice is not even close though.
Ms Dykema deserves re-election.
Karen Swan Muggeridge
Southborough Advisory Board (presenting my individual opinion only)

Karen Muggeidge
12 years ago

Correction Addendum: * I have rarely voted for a candidate where I have agreed 100% with everything they have on their record, or their platform and that is this case in this election as well.

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