Reminder: Donations for hurricane victims accepted until Tuesday at noon (UPDATED)

Here’s the latest update from the group of Southborough moms who are collecting items to send to the community of Toms River, New Jersey, which was devastated by Hurricane Sandy one week ago today. Donations need to be in by tomorrow at noon.

The deadline for contributing supplies to the Southborough Hurricane Sandy Toms River, NJ Disaster Relief Effort is 12.00 noon on Tuesday, Nov. 6.

Please note, we have reached our clothing goal so clothing items are no longer needed.

The following supplies are still needed:

  • Greatest Need, Non-Perishable Foods – i.e. peanut butter & jelly, tuna fish, soup, cereal
  • Water
  • Flashlights & Batteries
  • Diapers
  • Medical and First Aid Supplies
  • Generators
  • Blankets (new)
  • Towels (new)

Update 4:30 pm: Drop off locations are the Baldelli residence (258 Parkerville Road) and Fit Studio28 in Westborough (122 Turnpike Road). Donations are no longer being accepted at the Alpert residence (Clifford Road).

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12 years ago

I just spoke to my daughter at college on Staten Island… and people there (and I’m assuming throughout the damaged areas) desperately need CLEANING supplies… bleach, brooms, scrub brushes, gloves, etc.

12 years ago

It seems unlikely that what will be collected by Noon is all that we have to give and I am full of questions.
If there is another trucking company available are there others who would be willing to pick up where the Baldelli’s, Studio28, and the Alpert’s have left off?
What lessons have they learned that could make the process of collecting easier or more efficient?
Is there a point person in town who can get details from the trucking company once the shipment is delivered that could help us collect on this end?
Anyone have any connections with a trucking company?

I would be interested in helping make this process ongoing and if there are others out there who could collect or store donations it could mean a few more trucks before Christmas. Is this something we do ourselves or send material to an establish charity that already has a method of delivery?

If you or someone else has already got this in the works then please advertise your plan and what we can all do next!

South Train
12 years ago
Reply to  matthew

Are there any collections currently taking place for NJ/NY hurricane victims? (besides Red Cross)

Pat Q.
12 years ago

Two things pop up for me when you undertake a spontaneous community donation project like this;

FIRST: if you are asking for donations from a town comprised of over 9,000 residents, you need to be prepared to handle the bulk. It is wonderful to spread your net wide to collect as much as possible for people in unthinkable circumstances, but you have to be able to handle what comes your way. A generous town such as this will, no doubt, step up to the plate. Either be prepared for the huge outporing or limit your collections to smaller groups; churches, schools, etc.

SECOND; upfront, you need to be PAINFULLY specific about what you want and what you don’t want. You DON’T want people to use this as an excuse to clean out their closets. I remember sorting food at the Scouting for Food event and seeing the incredible amount of food that had to be thrown away because of old expiration dates.
There was a small crew of people designated to reading the dates, separating them from the valid items and then disposing of them all. You don’t want to waste energy and resources sorting through unusable stuff….you’ll be overwhelmed for sure.

To think about what a community might need after such devastation can be quite overwhelming. The people and organizations that do this for a living have probably learned the hard way what works and what doesn’t. I would bet a truck load of goods, from a random group may even have trouble getting into a devastated area for many reasons; security issues, safety issues, road conditions, clean up crews and all the gear and trucks that go along with that, etc. You don’t want to risk a truck being turned away…..sounds crazy, but stranger things have happened.

If a town does feel compelled to do something as a community, maybe a monetary collection is the best way to go, with the intent of either supporting specific families or for the organizing group to then go out and purchase the recommended items themselves. That insures that you send only those things that are most needed and you do not have to sort through bags and bags of old clothes when what you really need are batteries, flashlights, diapers, new towels and blankets, etc.

A large donation could also be made to The American Red Cross.

Pat Q.
12 years ago

I regretfully neglected to add to my last post….that what this small group of
Southborough Moms managed to accomplish and send to families was truly amazing. I don’t want anyone to misunderstand my points above. What they managed to pull together in a short period of time was nothing short of wonderful.

12 years ago

I recently held a coat drive … Is there a need that anyone is aware of?
Please send me an email if you’re aware.
It looks like I shouldn’t make the trip to Toms River .. but I want these to go to folks who need them.

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