Incumbents rule in Southborough: Voters help send Obama, Eldridge, and Dykema back to office

Neary 83% of registered voters in town cast a ballot in yesterday’s election, and from national to state to local races, most of those votes went to incumbents.

On his way to reelection, President Barack Obama narrowly beat out Governor Mitt Romney in Southborough by a margin of 50% to 48%. Obama won Southborough Precincts 1 and 3, while Romney carried the day in Precinct 2.

Southborough voters also favored incumbent Republican Scott Brown in the US Senate race, although the majority of Massachusetts did not. While Brown won Southborough by an overwhelming 58%, you’ve no doubt heard he lost the race statewide to Democrat Elizabeth Warren.

In a local race that had many of you voicing strong opinions, incumbent Democrat Carolyn Dykema handily won Southborough with 58% of the vote compared to Republican challenger Marty Lamb’s 42%. Dykema took about 61% of the vote throughout the 8th Middlesex District – Southborough, Hopkinton, Holliston, and Westborough Precinct 1 – to earn another term in the State House.

In a message to supporters late last night, Lamb conceded the race and offered this thanks. “While today’s results (are) clearly not what we had hoped for, thanks to you we were able to engage in a very strong positive campaign based on concrete plans for jobs, economy, transparency and integrity,” he said.

Southborough voters also helped incumbent Democrat Jamie Eldridge win a third term in office. Eldridge earned 57% of the vote in Southborough to Republican Dean Cavaretta’s 42%. As of late Tuesday night (actually, early Wednesday morning), with 96% of precincts reporting Eldridge had 65% of the vote district-wide with Cavaretta at 35%.

In other races, Southborough voters also overwhelmingly showed their support for incumbent Democrat Ed Markey who won reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as for incumbent Democrat Marilyn Petitto Devaney in the race for Councillor in the Third District.

So what do you think, Southborough? Were you surprised by any of the races? Did our town swing more blue or red than you expected? Review the full results here, and then share your thoughts in the comments.

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12 years ago

So……….very,……..very………..quiet. I will go first. I am thrilled with the outcome of this year’s election. I hope that radical conservative Republicans have gotten the message and crawl back under the rock from which they came. The future of the party depends on it. I also hope that the Congress will take all this to heart and vow to cooperate with the president THIS TIME for the good of the country. There is so much that needs to be done and if Republicans vow, AS THEY DID LAST TIME, to obstruct any proposal put forth by the Democrats, our country will never recover from this turmoil.

Frank Crowell
12 years ago
Reply to  Resident

My congratulations to the winning candidates and the Democrat party for a winning ground game and getting out the vote. May God help us all.

Another voice
12 years ago

I am satisfied with most of the results of the elections. My choice didn’t always win, but I believe that the winner will serve the country/state well. The only race that totally disappointed me was the race for the Senate. Scott Brown is simply the better candidate. He clearly votes for what is best for the country. He’s a hardworking, decent individual who unfortunately calls a Blue State home and therefore faced a nearly impossible task of getting re-elected. He served this state with honor and dignity these past two years, and I am sorry to see him go. Elizabeth Warren is far too partisan for my taste and I do question her character. I am not even referring to her heritage, but rather her record as a lawyer and whose side she represented. I wish the Professor had stayed at Harvard in her 1.8 million dollar house in Cambridge. She’s worried about the college debt our kids face but has no problem taking a huge salary from Harvard, Somehow the connection is lost on her; she’s part of the problem. Her solution to college debt will probably be to institute more loan and grant programs which will only succeed is pushing college costs even higher. (If colleges can get the money, they will raise tuition and fees.) Her elitist attitude will do nothing to break the gridlock in Washington. It’s such a shame she won.

12 years ago

If only corporate america, stock market, and economists were as thrilled as you. Its going to be a long, painful 2013 for the economy, but at least we can get some kind medicine to offset the pain.

12 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Unfortunately the only outcome of this election, in my opinion, is more of the same as we have experienced for the past 4 years. Republicans will never agree to the job/economy killing proposals coming out of this far left administration. Hopefully the Dems will learn the meaning of compromise this term so the country can get the solutions we deserve. My guess is that it is too much to hope for.

12 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Last time I checked, Jim, our country still did not negotiate with terrorists. Congress standing against everything the president proposes, just because he or the Democrats propose it, is just that in my opinion – terrorism. They need to stop playing partisan politics and do what is right for the country. Democrats have been doing more than their fair share of compromising, Health care reform being a case in point. Now it is time for the Republicans to bring something to the table. The results of the election say it all. If there is one side that needs to step out of its extremist comfort zone, it is the right.

Frank Crowell
12 years ago
Reply to  Resident

“Democrats have been doing more than their fair share of compromising, Health care reform being a case in point.”

Democrats passed Obama Care without one Republican vote and no Republican input was allowed. Please tell me where the Democrats compromised on health care.

American companies are now reacting to the full implementation of this law: Applebee’s, Boeing and Papa Johns to name three.

12 years ago
Reply to  Frank Crowell

An excerpt from the Washington Post article linked below:

“While many in his party called for a government-run system like Medicare, or a ‘public option’ insurance plan, President Obama—in the interest of finding common ground and much to the chagrin of his liberal base—agreed early on to a crucial compromise approach originally proposed by the conservative Heritage Foundation. That approach builds on private health-insurance markets to guarantee health-care access for all, with government intervention to make those markets work effectively.

President Obama also strongly encouraged bipartisan cooperation in Congress. The Senate health committee accepted 161 Republican amendments to their health reform bill before final passage. Senate committees held 30 bipartisan hearings, while 6 bipartisan working groups met informally a combined 72 times.

In spite of these efforts, the president was spurned in his efforts to achieve common ground.”

I’m sorry, but “161 Republican amendments to their health reform bill before final passage” sounds like compromise to me. In fact it sounds like the exact opposite of your “no Republican input was allowed.” Not to mention giving up all together on universal health care. The facts do not support your claim. Seems to be a trend this year

Here’s the full article:

Frank Crowell
12 years ago
Reply to  Frank Crowell

Thanks Resident for sharing an opinion piece from Tom Daschle former Democrat Majority Leader as proof (one of the most partisan as well). Washington Post “article” that is laugh out loud funny. You should broaden your reading to include the Wall Street Journal. It has a few real clues as to what is going on and what will happen.

12 years ago
Reply to  Frank Crowell

The WSJ is well-known for its Republican bias. I suppose you would suggest I watch Fox News for “unbiased” political information too? Talk about “laugh out loud funny!”

Telling is how many Republicans (McConnell, Boehner, Kristol) are already back-pedaling away from Mitt’s economic platform only 6 days after the election. They know they failed miserably and are beginning to remember their third-grade mathematic skills. They have gotten the message that it is up to them to lead in compromising. Looks like the wealthy will lose their Bush tax cuts. It’s about time and if it was done two years ago, we might be deeper into economic recovery right now and looking at a smaller deficit. Ah, but that would have lead to an even stronger win for Obama than what we saw last week. What a tangled web we weave…

Kelly Roney
12 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Corporate profits are at record highs. That hasn’t stopped corporate CEOs, who have essentially gotten everything they wanted for 30 years, from massive wailing, gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments.

The stock market is far, far above where it was in Jan. 2009. Have you looked at your 401k lately? Mine’s great – nowhere close to Mitt Romney’s IRA, of course…

Economists have overwhelmingly approved President Obama’s economic management and strongly disparage the ridiculous economic claims of the Republican Party, which is further and further from reality every day.

I really miss traditional New England Republicans having influence on their national party.

John Kendall
12 years ago

Now that the elections are over, let’s all hope and pray that those who will be holding these offices are worth their salt.

Al Hamilton
12 years ago
Reply to  John Kendall

Well said. I vote for taking a break from denigrating those whose political beliefs do not line up with our own. It is possible to be a good person, love your country and want what you believe is in the best interest of the country and completely disagree with me.

Even though most of my candidates lost (big surprise) we should remember that our Country, State and Town are far more than what goes on in the halls of government. What unites is is far greater than the petty passions whipped up by those that try to tear us apart each election cycle.

Besides, if we are really looking for something to stir the passions, Pitchers and Catchers report in months and we are just starting the hot stove season. Now that really is important!

Margaret Reeves
12 years ago

Thank you to Marty Lamb for running for State Rep, putting forth substantive legislative ideas, and being the choice for State Representative for a respectable 42% of Southborough voters.

12 years ago

57 million people voted for Romney, million. One divided country. Hopefully the President will not overreach has he did in 2008, the same for Congress, otherwise 2014 is not that far away and in meantime many big problems. Medicare for one as we know it is already finished for good or bad. Time to acknowledge the reality.

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