Open discussion thread: Ask questions, share opinions

Above: A Christmas display at the Southborough Historical Museum

Time for another open thread. For those of you new to the blog, the open discussion thread is your place to ask questions, sound off on town issues, or share information with other readers. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • Ask questions about programs in town or the town itself
  • Post a note about things that you’re selling or giving away, or things that you want
  • Share notices about upcoming events (Southborough or otherwise)
  • Register your thoughts on town issues or news stories
  • Point out interesting or helpful resources

You can add comments to the thread throughout the week. Check back often to see new comments. (If you read the blog via email or RSS, you might want to check the site from time to time for new comments.)

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John Butler
12 years ago

Some people have asked here what can be done to support the Gulbankian family in their struggle with the Town over the rights to operate their business.

One thing would be to be present at the ZBA hearing TONIGHT at the Senior Center at 7:30PM. They are requesting an extension of time to comply with the order of the ZBA.

John Kendall
12 years ago
Reply to  John Butler

I was there as well as you. Nice to see some supportive people there. It was surprising to hear that the board had suggested an extra month for an extension. Maybe things are looking up since the board was shuffled.

John Kendall
12 years ago
Reply to  susan

Until May 30, 2013

Eileen Samberg
12 years ago

How do I donate to the Village Society (Community House)? I had an envelope, but seem to have misplaced it. Thanks.

John Kendall
12 years ago
Reply to  Eileen Samberg

Send a check to the Southborough Village Society 28 Main Street 01772

12 years ago

Does anyone know who is responsible for maintaining the Sudbury Reservoir Trail? I have heard that some areas are not passable. Who is suppose to be mowing it during the warmer months, volunteers or a town department? The trail from Johnson Rd/Northborough Rd to the water treatment plant is suppose to be open, but how do you access it? The map is available for the trail on the Recreation website.

Tim Martel
12 years ago
Reply to  Carol

I think its the DCR.

12 years ago

Looks like the new Country Market is open this morning. I can’t wait to check it out. Congrats to Tony and his staff for pulling this together so quickly!

12 years ago
Reply to  resident

Where is the Country Market located?

Fayville Resident
12 years ago

CSX has been running some late trains lately. Last night the a train came through at 3:30 AM, along with the loud whistle waking my son up. Is there anything residents can do to request they do not run their trains so late? I’m assuming the answer is no, but I thought I would ask to see if anyone knows about it.

Al Hamilton
12 years ago

For all intents and purposes there is nothing you can do. The rail roads are regulated by the Federal Govt. State and Local govt are almost completely powerless when it comes to railroads.

Tim Martel
12 years ago

You could petition the Selectmen to add a new quiet zone.

Department of Transportation, FRA 49 CFR Parts 222 and 229

Mom of Two
12 years ago

I noticed this, too. I didn’t hear the 3:30am train, but I did notice one at 10:30pm one night. Never heard that before!

12 years ago

I am curious if anyone has any recommendations for local flooring companies. We are looking to have our wood floors refinished/replaced and would love some local recommendations. Thanks!

Nancy Morris
12 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Sean Morris is a hard wood flooring guy and is a local person He is very reasonable, and does an excellent job. He has lots of references… 508 277 5060

John Kendall
12 years ago

There are a LOT of floor guys in the area. I would Google wood floor refinishing, look at websites, then call and ask for references.

12 years ago

Now that $4.8 million has fallen into St. Mark’s School’s lap –, do you think our town will get a decent pilot payment?

Deb Moore
12 years ago

A few weeks ago, we noticed that some of our trees and shrubs had been tagged with blue tags. The tags say “WLF3” or other numbers, but all WLF. Does anyone know what this is about? Some of these are far from the road or property line, which concerns me.

Al Hamilton
12 years ago
Reply to  Deb Moore


These sound like “Wet Land Flags” They are used by a developer (or possibly the town/state) to identify the boundaries of wet lands prior to a development of some sort.

They should not be marking wetlands on your property only the property that is being developed. You might want to contact the Conservation Commission or the Town Planner or Planning Board to ask if they know about any possible development.

If the shrubs in question are along the road they may be in the Town’s right of way. The Town owns a strip of land along the side of the road that most of us maintain and think of as part of our yards. For newer roads it is probably 25 ft from the center line. If it is along the road you might try calling the DPW and asking if they know what is going on.

Deb Moore
12 years ago
Reply to  Al Hamilton

The neighbor is having some work done, and this may be related to that, since there have been hay-bale barriers put up. It’s a bit odd, especially since one of the sporadically tagged trees is the peach tree I planted last spring. The part of my yard in question looks a lot like it ought to be the neighbor’s. Thanks for the answer!

12 years ago

Any way of getting a good definition of “townie” as it is used here in Southborough?
Also it would be fun to find out what percentage of the town can be labeled as such.

12 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Townie……born here, raised here, raised your own family here, own a burial plot here so you are ALWAYS in Southborough. That’s my definition anyway….

Pat Q
12 years ago

If you need a Thin Mint fix, this is your lucky weekend! There will be a troop selling Girl Scout Cookies tomorrow, Saturday January 5th from 10-2pm at Town Center Plaza (near Dunkin Donuts).

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